Daily Camera (Boulder)

Today’s highlight


On Feb. 27, 1973, members of the American Indian Movement occupied the hamlet of Wounded Knee in South Dakota, the site of the 1890massac­re of Sioux men, women and children. (The occupation lasted until the following May.)

On this date

Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born in Portland, Maine.

The Supreme Court, in Leser v. Garnett, unanimousl­y upheld the 19th Amendment to the Constituti­on, which guaranteed the right of women to vote.

Germany’s parliament building, the Reichstag, was gutted by fire; Chancellor Adolf Hitler, blaming the Communists, used the fire to justify suspending civil liberties.

The Supreme Court, in National Labor Relations

Board v. Fansteel Metallurgi­cal Corp., effectivel­y outlawed sit-down strikes.

The Battle of the Java Sea began during World War II; Imperial Japanese naval forces scored a decisive victory over the Allies.

The 22nd Amendment to the Constituti­on, limiting a president to two terms of office, was ratified.

Operation Desert Storm came to a conclusion as President George H.W. Bush declared that “Kuwait is liberated, Iraq’s army is defeated,” and announced that the allies would suspend combat operations at midnight, Eastern time.

Divorce became legal in Ireland.

In Chile, an 8.8 magnitude earthquake and tsunami killed 524 people, caused $30 billion in damage and left more than 200,000 homeless.

If you have ever considered just checking out for a few days, letting the river flow, and not concerning yourself with the world at large, this may be that day. The little things could give real satisfacti­on today.

Don’t be in a hurry. Take this time to work on your plans but consider that things you try to put in motion now could become complicate­d.

People you show favor to now will likely remember. Be extra polite and avoid any confrontat­ions. Put any resentment­s you might be carrying through some careful thought. Cultivate your inner peace to gain strength.

You may have planned for a quiet evening, but some excitement may still occur. If certain people’s behavior upsets your routine, it may be best to take it lightly. Don’t let them ruffle your feathers now.

Don’t let Maslow’s saying, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail” apply to you at this time. Rather than acting blindly or habitually, consider exploring new options.

You might be feeling that the people around you are less helpful, cooperativ­e, or open-minded than usual. They still are probably doing their best to handle things. Be a leader and try to respond rather than to react.

Organizati­onal structures are usually there for a reason and it’s likely a good time to observe your place in them. Things you may think are important should probably be run up the flagpole and might create a better opportunit­y.

Relationsh­ips are complicate­d at the best of times but may get extra troublesom­e at this time. Trying to make changes now could be seen as a traumatic upheaval. Don’t apply more pressure until things feel more stable.

It might feel like there’s too much noise and confusion, or that somebody could be watching and waiting for you to make a mistake. Ask yourself if you might be overinflat­ing phantom fears or anxieties.

Texts allow for little nuance, and that could apply to the people you’re trying to deal with too. Shades of gray or a rainbow probably won’t be an option; if they are too rigid, they may see everything as black or white.

Doing things with your money beyond keeping yourself housed and fed may be a bad idea now. Someone might try to siphon away all they can find. Use caution now, better opportunit­ies can come later.

You may find that there are a few people who aren’t satisfied with anything. You might magnetize more of these types than usual now if you are in bad personal cycles. It’s not personal, even if it feels that way.

Lay low during the next few weeks while your judgment might be slightly out of kilter and you could make costly mistakes. Pay your bills on time and do not give an authority figure an excuse to criticize your performanc­e. Late March might be a good time to interview for a new job, change jobs or to grow closer to a romantic partner.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency

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