Daily Camera (Boulder)

Some supporters mull whether to even vote

- By Joey Cappellett­i

LANSING, MICH.>> Rev. Steve Bland Jr. remembers the massive get-out-the-vote effort he helped mobilize four years ago, when pastors and community leaders spread out across Detroit neighborho­ods, made phone calls and worked around the clock to encourage people to vote.

He’s not seeing that kind of enthusiasm this time around.

Madeleine Byrne, a 25-year-old from Bloomfield Hills in Oakland County, a wealthy suburban enclave that proved pivotal in Michigan’s swing back toward Democrats in recent years, said she likes how former President Donald Trump has “put America first” but has misgivings about supporting him in 2024.

“I think he causes fights where they aren’t necessary,” she said.

In Michigan, a state that both major parties say they must to win the White House in 2024, a cloud of apathy has settled over the electorate. Even with crucial races for the U.S. Senate and Congress also on the ballot, genuine enthusiasm is hard to find. The state’s voters are poised to cast ballots in their respective primaries on Tuesday, but the prospect looms that they will be left with the same choices for president in November that they considered four years ago.

That means the biggest task for candidates may be inspiring Michigan voters to care.

“A good quarter of the people I talk to aren’t sure if they’ll vote at all,” said Lori Goldman, who founded a group called “Fems for Dems” to help drive up voter turnout for Biden in Oakland County four years ago. “A lot of people are just like, ‘I’m not voting. I’m not doing it.’ ”

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said Monday that more than 1 million people had already cast their primary ballots, taking advantage of new voting laws that allow for nine days of early, in-person voting. A total of 2.3 million people — or 30% of registered voters — participat­ed in the 2020 primary.

The early vote totals may include a number of “uncommitte­d” ballots from Democrats unhappy with Biden’s support for Israel in its response to the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas. Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib has urged voters to mark their ballots that way on Tuesday to send a message to Biden and other Democrats.

Among Republican­s, Trump’s rallies draw enthusiast­ic crowds, and he has racked up decisive wins so far in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina and the U.S. Virgin Islands. But it remains unclear whether his support extends beyond the core of true believers who have helped him maintain his grip on the GOP. Surveys by AP Votecast have shown that some Republican­s, especially college-educated and moderate voters, have misgivings about the former president.

For voters such as Byrne, in politicall­y competitiv­e areas like Oakland County, the unease sometimes takes the form of Trump fatigue. Asked how she feels about the choice that’s looming in this year’s presidenti­al contest, Byrne wrinkles her face.

“Honestly, I’ve been thinking about whether I want to vote at all,” she said.

“We as Americans have this great privilege and, as a woman, I’m aware we’ve had it for only 100 years. But given our circumstan­ces, with the choices that we do have, I think it’s difficult to actually make a choice. And so, I wonder if I will.”

In 2020, voter turnout surged by 14% compared to the previous election, eclipsing the record set in 2008 for the highest number of votes cast in Michigan. The trend continued in 2022 when the state registered its highest midterm election turnout ever.

Young Michigan voters have stepped up in recent years. In 2022, Michigan saw the highest youth voter turnout rate nationwide at 36.5%, surpassing the estimated national youth turnout of 23%, according to CIRCLE, the Center for Informatio­n and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University.

But the excitement that led to hours-long lines on college campuses across Michigan appears to have died down.

“You’re hearing people say that maybe they’re going to stay out of the election or they don’t know who you’re going to vote for,” said Vrunda Patel, a junior at the University of Michigan.

Patel and fellow University of Michigan Democrats met with California Rep. Sara Jacobs, part of a wave of recent Biden surrogates sent in to drum up enthusiasm, at an Ann Arbor coffee shop to strategize for the upcoming election. The discussion mainly revolved around motivating college students to vote, with one student saying bluntly: “No one I talk to is excited to vote for Joe Biden this election.”

Jacobs offered reassuranc­e.

“It’s a long way away from the election,” she said. “With the 2012 Obama campaign, this far out, Obama’s poll numbers were bad. People were not that excited. This is a normal progressio­n in a reelection.”

Several students mentioned the idea of “uncommitte­d” votes in the Tuesday primary. Double-digit numbers could spell trouble for Biden in the general election.

“I’d rather the president be hearing how people feel now rather than in October,” said Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell, who has spoken with the president about his difficulti­es in Michigan.

Recent AP polling has shown that more U.S. adults are feeling slightly better about the economy, but so far those numbers have not translated into higher approval ratings for the president. If that disconnect persists, it could pose a challenge in places like Michigan.

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