Daily Camera (Boulder)

GOP primary elections use flawed math Splitting votes among many candidates

- By Ismar Volic

Republican­s around the country are picking a nominee to run for president. However, their process — designed and run by the party, not government officials — is a mess of flawed mathematic­s that can end up delivering a result that’s in conflict with the person most voters actually support.

As a mathematic­s professor and co-founder of the Institute for Mathematic­s and Democracy, I watched this contradict­ory process play out in 2016, shaping the political landscape ever since. Elements of it are visible again in 2024.

There are many ways bad mathematic­s interferes with our democracy, as I explain in my forthcomin­g book, “Making Democracy Count: How Mathematic­s Improves Voting, Electoral Maps, and Representa­tion.” Here’s how the Republican primaries can manage to defy democratic ideals and deliver a nominee even though most voters prefer someone else:

In 2016, former President Donald Trump became the Republican choice, having won 44.9% of the votes cast in primaries. That was nearly twice the share of votes won by the runner-up, Ted Cruz, who had 25.1% of the primary votes.

But during primary season, polls suggested that in head-tohead primaries, Trump would have lost not only to Cruz, but also to third-place Republican finisher John Kasich and Marco Rubio, who placed fourth.

In other words, a majority of Republican voters preferred Cruz, Kasich and Rubio to Trump. But none of the three took the lead because of the party’s nomination system, which assigned Trump 58.3% of the delegates at the Republican National Convention — the formal process by which the nominee is selected.

An attempt at proportion­al representa­tion

The Republican Party says its primaries are meant to encourage proportion­al assignment of delegates to candidates. So if a candidate wins, say, 40% of the votes, she should win as close to 40% of the delegates as possible.

This sounds reasonable, and it aligns with most people’s notion of fairness. For primaries taking place before March 15, the Republican Party mandates proportion­al allocation, but with lots of exceptions that can effectivel­y turn the election into winner-take-all or winner-takemost. After March 15, the exceptions become the norm, pulling the outcome further from proportion­al


The Democratic Party has a more centralize­d system and mandates proportion­ality for all its primaries.

Allocation of delegates

The process begins with the states each receiving a number of delegates that will later be assigned to candidates.

Each state gets 10 at-large delegates, and three delegates for each congressio­nal district it contains. A state can also get additional delegates based on how Republican it is — depending on whether its people voted for a Republican presidenti­al candidate in the previous general election, and on how much of its legislatur­e is Republican.

These allocation­s can result in inequities. For instance, Massachuse­tts and Utah, two of the states voting on Super Tuesday, both get 40 delegates. That’s because Massachuse­tts has more congressio­nal districts, while Utah is more Republican.

But Utah has roughly 960,000 registered Republican voters, and Massachuse­tts has about 440,000. That means for any candidate to get a Utah delegate would require support from at least twice as many voters as that candidate would need to get a Massachuse­tts delegate.

Assigning delegates to candidates

There are as many as seven different proportion­al methods used to assign states’ at-large delegates, each with its own mathematic­al problems. And in 21 states, the delegates allocated because of each congressio­nal district are also assigned by the same methods as the at-large


In other states, the three delegates in each congressio­nal district are all allocated to the winner in that district. And in still other states, the district delegates are allocated with a 2-1 split: The top vote-getter in the district receives two delegates and the runner-up receives one.

Math makes clear that these methods are not proportion­al representa­tion: Imagine that three candidates in a close race get 33.5%, 33.3% and 33.2% of the votes, respective­ly. The winnertake-all method would give all three delegates to the top scorer. And in the 2-1 split, the last-place candidate would get nothing.

In some states, the party’s rules also allow the method of counting to vary depending on how dominant a candidate’s win is. For instance, California is the latest state to adopt the practice in which a candidate who wins more than half the statewide vote gets all of the state’s delegates.

Two candidates doesn’t make the math clearer

The GOP’S system offers other significan­t advantages to winners as well.

Suppose a state has eight districts with three delegates apiece and in each, Candidate Alice gets 51% of the votes and Candidate Bob gets 49%. If the allocation was 2-1, Alice would get 16 delegates and Bob would get eight.

Then there are the 10 at-large delegates the party assigns to each state. Most proportion­al methods would split these delegates evenly, with five given to each candidate. That would deliver a grand total for Alice of 21

delegates, and 13 for Bob.

In that situation, Alice would get 51% of the votes but 62% of the delegates. This “winner’s bonus” was evident in many states Trump won in the 2016 primary, such as Alabama, where his vote share was 43% but he collected 72% of the delegates. In the

2020 Democratic primary races, Joe Biden won 51.6% of the votes and 68% of the delegates overall.

Winner-take-all is problemati­c too. Consider Utah and Massachuse­tts again. If a candidate won Utah by a landslide, and another narrowly won in Massachuse­tts, they would both get 40 delegates — based on vastly different numbers of actual votes cast by supporters.

An additional barrier

Most states also require candidates to get a certain percentage of voter support before being assigned any delegates at all. Under the Republican rules, some states set this bar as high as 20%. The Democratic Party mandates a 15% threshold for every state.

These thresholds are biased toward more popular candidates and can even cause mathematic­ally counterint­uitive delegate allocation­s.

The combinatio­n of winnertake-all and complicate­d threshold structures is where all hope of proportion­ality and fairness vanishes. For example, in 2016, Trump won all of South Carolina’s 50 delegates by garnering 33% of the votes and all of Florida’s 99 delegates with 46% of the votes.

This phenomenon is occurring again in this cycle: In the 2024 South Carolina primary, Trump won 60% of the vote but landed 94% of the state’s delegates.

Picking a single winner

Ultimately, the party delegate system has to arrive at a single winner. Somehow, one candidate must win a majority of the delegate votes that are cast at the summer convention. For this year’s Republican nomination, this is 1,215 of the 2,429 delegates.

Even if the delegate apportionm­ent reflected Republican voters’ preference­s in perfect proportion, the system has yet another inherent flaw. Suppose the process gave 35% of the delegates to one candidate, 30% to another, 20% to a third, and then split the remaining 15% between several others. Who should win the nomination?

In a sequential process often called a “brokered convention,” various candidates who recognize they cannot win the nomination free their delegates to vote for others. As its name suggests, this method more closely resembles a business deal than a fair election — and it’s very far from the eyes of the voters and even more distant from the rigor of mathematic­s.

There is no unbiased way to pick a single nominee using the GOP’S current primary structure. Voters are reluctant to risk wasting their votes by supporting less popular candidates. Candidates who appear weaker exit races earlier because they don’t think they can clear the hurdles in enough states. As a result, candidates with small but committed followings can rise to the top — even if most people prefer someone else.

Some alternativ­es

Math does offer some options for possible solutions that eliminate the flaws of winner-takeall, reduce divisivene­ss, ensure that each voter has an equal say, and enact the will of a majority.

One way could be using ranked-choice voting, in which people rank all the candidates in their order of preference. A system that would be mathematic­ally most representa­tive and inclusive would involve nonpartisa­n primaries with some number of top vote-getters advancing to the general election. Both would be held with rankedchoi­ce voting. Alaska and several other states use this method in state elections, but not for the presidenti­al race.

Ismar Volic is a professor of mathematic­s and the director of the Institute for Mathematic­s and Democracy at Wellesley College.

This article is republishe­d from The Conversati­on under a Creative Commons license.

 ?? JOSEPH PREZIOSO — AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? There are many ways bad mathematic­s interferes with our democracy, but one especially noticeable one is how the GOP conducts primaries. In 2016, Donald Trump became the Republican choice, having won 44.9% of the votes cast in primaries. That was nearly twice the share of votes won by the runner-up. But polls suggested that in head-to-head primaries, Trump would have lost not only to second-place Ted Cruz, but also to the third- and fourth-place Republican finishers.
JOSEPH PREZIOSO — AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES There are many ways bad mathematic­s interferes with our democracy, but one especially noticeable one is how the GOP conducts primaries. In 2016, Donald Trump became the Republican choice, having won 44.9% of the votes cast in primaries. That was nearly twice the share of votes won by the runner-up. But polls suggested that in head-to-head primaries, Trump would have lost not only to second-place Ted Cruz, but also to the third- and fourth-place Republican finishers.

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