Daily Camera (Boulder)

Your daily astrology

- Magi Helena Tribune Content Agency

Aries: People can’t learn as much from success as from failure, which is why small failures can be steppingst­ones to big wins. Every winner has failed many times, but only some people learn. Try to make all your mistakes NEW ones.

Taurus: It may be time to rediscover your passions instead of feeling trapped in mediocrity. Take a risk, look in new directions at the world all around you. Instead of always playing their game, consider inventing your own.

Gemini: Sometimes an appetite for change can lead a person away from what really serves them best. Ask yourself if there is really a need for change or if it’s just the urge for something new and different, and choose accordingl­y.

Cancer: Talk to a friend or romantic partner about what they expect from the relationsh­ip. If your hopes or expectatio­ns dramatical­ly differ, it’s important for you both to know that to avoid hurt feelings or a broken heart.

Leo: When people haven’t worked out old hurts, their reactivity can create problems that can be hard to resolve. Those who do enough self-work can get free of the self-sabotage cycle and make constructi­ve choices in real time.

Virgo: Is it love, is it lust, or is it just trying to fill an emptiness? In any situation, romantic or otherwise, ask yourself what is really going on. Retract any projection­s and do your best to see people and things as they really are.

Libra: Family members may have issues with a decision, a friend, or a potential partner. Before reacting, consider their perspectiv­e. Are they seeing something you can’t see, or are they just being overprotec­tive?

Scorpio: Nostalgia is unlikely to change anything; time only moves forward. If new things are uncomforta­ble, spend more time with them to build a new comfort zone. Adaptation is easier than being dragged.

Sagittariu­s: Fundamenta­l inner or outer changes will change how you see things and how they feel. Growth is for the brave; you may need courage to tackle new challenges. Time can allow you to create the right new beginnings.

Capricorn: You might get money management advice from people who assume you already have lots to play with. Look for advice that fits your current situation and goals, not where you’ll be in x number of years.

Aquarius: Keep your attention centered on the things that really need it now. If you need a break or a little entertainm­ent, give it to yourself, then resume work. Small problems can get seriously bigger with just a little inattentio­n.

Pisces: You may feel as though you’re in the middle of your own private war zone. Remember that you or the other person can choose at any time to stop escalating. Let go of aggression. If April 6 is your birthday:

You probably have the drive and energy to handle busy schedules or extra responsibi­lities during the next four to five weeks. Since you could be restless for more in-person contact, May might be a good time to join a gym or begin a fitness regimen where you can stay in shape and socialize at the same time.

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