Daily Democrat (Woodland)

California’s positivity rate hits all-time low as testing ramps up

- By Evan Webeck Bay Area News Group

California is testing for COVID-19 at nearly its highest rate of the pandemic, while the portion of those tests to come back positive fell to its lowest point yet Monday — signs of “real progress” in the state’s battle with the virus, Gov. Gavin Newsom said.

With labs conducting an average of nearly 125,000 tests per day over the past week — including more over the past three days than any other three-day stretch — just 2.8% of those returned positive results, the lowest statewide positivity rate of the pandemic and the first time it has fallen below 3%.

Even as the average number of daily cases has plateaued around 3,500 per day — another

4,721 cases Monday kept the seven-day average at about 3,560 per day, according to data compiled by this news organizati­on — the sinking positivity rate could indicate that increased testing is capturing more cases, rather than a specific spike in spread.

With 53 new fatalities reported Monday, that sevenday average returned to near it lowest point after a brief spike last week. There was an average of 87 deaths per day over the past week in

California, down 20% from a spike six days ago. Deaths had previously fallen to about 85 per day on Sept. 10 — down from a peak of 145 per day in August — before rising back to about 110 per day last Tuesday.

In Yolo County, the number of new infections as well as the positivity rating has been falling for several days now. As of Tuesday morning, there were 2,754 people with the coronaviru­s, an increase of seven over what was reported on Monday. Woodland, meanwhile, now has 1,164 cases, or two more than a day earlier.

The positivity rating in Yolo County now stands

at 4.69%, which was down from 4.90% on Monday and 5.38% from what was reported on Sunday. It’s now been two weeks since Labor Day, but Newsom said it could be another week or two before the full effects of the holiday weekend are known.

One thing that was clear Monday: Testing efforts that had been hampered by extreme heat, poor air quality and wildfires had begun to ramp back up over the weekend. Since Friday, there have been nearly 500,000 test results reported in state: nearly 170,000 Friday, 180,000 on Saturday and 150,000 on Sunday.

“The heat dome, the heatwave, the wildfires, the air quality, it all impacted our total testing ability in this state, and we’re starting to see those number go back up,” Newsom said. “As a consequenc­e of a substantia­l increase in the last few

days of the number of tests conducted … you can see the seven-day average of daily tests moving back up to where we were to pre-these wildfires.”

California had previously been testing about 125,000 people per day toward the end of July, reaching a peak average of close to 140,000 tests per day in the first week of August. But wildfires hit and some sites were forced to close early or not open at all. That decreased the state’s testing capacity closer to about 100,000 per day, including six days in that span with fewer than 80,000 tests. Shortly before that, test results in California and many other states had been slow to come back, with some people waiting more than a week for their result. That backlog has been largely eliminated, Newsom said Monday.

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