Daily Democrat (Woodland)

‘Lunch Ladies’ serve extra portions of kindness

- Amy Dickinson Ask Amy Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

DEAR AMY >> In a recent question from “Upset and Embarrasse­d,” the writer noted that fellow nurses bullied her, calling her a “lunch lady.”

I wanted to share a story about lunch ladies, who should be respected and lifted up for feeding our children with a smile.

I’m not sure how universal my experience is, but I like to believe that there are more stories like mine.

When I was in school, I was shunned for a variety of reasons, by students and teachers alike. I often sat completely alone in a corner during breakfast and lunch.

I was often the first to arrive at breakfast period in order to get away from home earlier.

I’m not sure if the lunch ladies noticed this or were just fond of me, but they became some of the most welcoming, nurturing people in my school life.

They always greeted me with more enthusiasm and bright smiles than anyone else. They made sure I had enough to eat, even when I had no money.

Eventually I became sort of an assistant, spending my lunch periods learning how to use the equipment, and how a commercial kitchen worked.

On many days, their welcome ensured I came to school instead of skipping the day altogether, and I think their pseudoment­orship shaped my life more deeply than anyone could imagine a “lunch lady” could.

“Lunch Lady” should never be an insult. Mine were heroes.

— Former “Lunch Boy”


This is such a moving and well-deserved tribute to some of the lesser-recognized personnel at school — the lunch staff, librarians, bus drivers, band and choral teachers, janitorial staff, administra­tive assistants, security officers, and student teachers.

I hope that every adult who works in a school environmen­t recognizes the power of eye contact, a smile, and the recognitio­n to a child that: “I see you.”

Thank you so much for this letter. I hope it is printed out and posted in cafeterias everywhere.

DEAR AMY >> “Very Concerned” reported that her sister-in-law disclosed a long-ago sexual assault. Thank you for understand­ing that disclosure itself is an important first step in healing. This concerned sister-in-law is a true friend to listen and encourage her sister-inlaw to seek more help.

— Been There

DEAR BEEN THERE >> RAINN.org offers supportive online and telephone counseling.

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