Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Can we develop vaccine for ignorance?

- Kathleen Parker Columnist Kathleen Parker is syndicated by The Washington Post

Columnist Kathleen Parker comments about the fastspread­ing falsehoods regarding childhood inoculatio­ns.

Flashback: Galileo is under house arrest pondering the unyielding ignorance of The Church for refusing to consider his heliocentr­ic propositio­n that the Earth circled the sun.

We find this historical anecdote prepostero­us today, but people were persecuted for lesser heresies in Galileo’s time. Though we are now centuries removed from such dim-wittery, we find ourselves in a notdissimi­lar pickle.

After decades free of many crippling and deadly diseases thanks to the miracle of vaccines, some people are skeptical. Parents fearful of side effects, often on account of anecdotal evidence or discredite­d studies, are reluctant to vaccinate their children.

Marin County, California, a liberal enclave famous for its beauty and wealth, seems to be the epicenter of the debate. Many have opted out of vaccinatio­ns as part of their evolution into honeybees. Some see vaccines as a conspiracy of Big Pharma. Elsewhere, especially in the South, people are simply distrustfu­l of authority, especially government.

The latter group is familiarly known as the GOP base. They tend to be litmus-test conservati­ves on social issues and place Scripture above science.

On the bright side, the far left and the far right finally have found common ground. They’d rather let their children risk illness — and their country an epidemic — than contaminat­e their offspring’s pristine bodies with antibodies.

One wonders what public tortures Jonas Salk might have encountere­d had he presented his polio vaccine today rather than in the 1950s. One crucial difference is that polio left visual reminders of its assault on the human body. The 1952 epidemic affected nearly 58,000 people, more than 3,100 of whom died and some 21,000 were left disabled.

Most Americans under the age of 50, including doctors, have never seen measles. Now, after decades of being a virtually measles-free nation, we have 100 cases spread across at least 14 states and the potential for more as stubborn purists resist common sense. Science and experience overwhelmi­ngly support vaccines, and the single study to the contrary, suggesting a connection to autism, has been thoroughly discredite­d.

Naturally, into this tar pit, the GOP presidenti­al field has fallen. Or rather, been pushed. Asked about the vaccine controvers­y, both New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul have handed the media a fresh bone to gnaw.

Christie initially said that parents “need to have some measure of choice,” though he later clarified by saying that children should be vaccinated against measles. Paul told radio host Laura Ingraham, “While I think it’s a good idea to take the vaccine, I think that’s a personal decision for individual­s.”

Neither comment standing alone is objectiona­ble. Barring a time-release patch from God, vaccines are the best we’ve got. Eventually, most parents come around to this conclusion, despite reluctance to inject their children with a tiny dose of the virus. They do it because the alternativ­e is unthinkabl­e.

While parents’ rights should always be protected in the absence of harm to their children, the public health of the nation also has to be protected. Individual rights are justifiabl­y modified when the exercise of those rights adversely affects others. Smoking is a textbook example of this premise.

Preserving individual freedom is one of the compelling forces of modern conservati­sm and remains its most attractive feature. Thus, Republican candidates are faced with a daunting balancing act of confirming to primary voters their allegiance to the principle while also signaling to the rest of the country that they’re not that foolish.

These conundrums are not new. The conflict between individual rights and the greater good is the fundamenta­l argument in a democracy, the success of which relies upon an educated rather than radio- and Internet-informed citizenry, as well as leaders willing to defend science over ideology.

Aspiring presidents would do well to articulate these conflicts with compassion, without condescens­ion or pandering — while explaining why, in this case, vaccines are the right choice. For starters they might quote Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

“Study after study has shown that there are no negative longterm consequenc­es. And the more kids who are not vaccinated, the more they’re at risk and the more they put their neighbors’ kids at risk as well.”

There. That didn’t hurt much, did it?

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