Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

This Amazing Pill Turns Every Organ In Your Body Young

Proven in 989 studies. Here’s how...

- By Kendrick Ford Health Editor

New York – First, there was penicillin. Then, there were stem cells. Now, scientists at the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) have made the ‘most important health discovery of all time.’ They’ve discovered a revolution­ary advance that has the power to turn every sick organ in your body new and healthy again. SCIENTISTS AMAZED “This is not science fiction, it’s reality,” said one scientist. “This powerful breakthrou­gh banishes the fear of illness for good and gives new hope to millions of people who long to break free of illness –- even if you’ve suffered for years!"

"To put it simply, your heart tissues get stronger in 73 days... your colon cleaner and healthier in 43 days... joints and bones flexible and pain-free in 27 days... blood fresh and young in 47 days... and brain awakened and energized in just 62 days."


Think of it this way. Your body is just like a car. It starts out running perfectly. But as the years go by, the parts start to wear out.

Your body is no different. You’re in tip-top shape one day and then suddenly, things go wrong. You complain of heart problems, high cholestero­l, blood sugar issues, skyrocketi­ng blood pressure, and you’re a bust in the bedroom. And worried the next stop could be the hospital. Or worse.

Because, after all, you can’t replace your body parts like you do with your car. Or can you? EVERY CELL IN YOUR

BODY –- REBORN! Now these scientists have discovered an amazing sea vegetable that ‘dusts off’ every one of your cells, scrubs them clean so they’re like brand new again. Every organ in your body is reborn stronger, just like it was when you were younger. LIFE-SAVING SECRET

REVEALED So what is this ‘miracle’ vegetable? It’s brown seaweed. Deep inside it is a life-changing nutrient called fucoidan, which is packed with the most powerful combinatio­n of vitamins A, B1, C and super-concentrat­ed proteins and healthy carbohydra­tes on the planet.

Life Extension Magazine calls fucoidan the ‘little known longevity factor’ Many researcher­s believe that this rare nutrient -- all by itself -- is a revolution­ary new solution to many of the most common health problems you face today.

In fact, some doctors say you may never get sick again. A YOUNGER BODY HEAD TO TOE, INSIDE AND OUT

IN 72 HOURS For the first time, scientists have carefully harvested and extracted all of the power of fucoidan and fused it with

another natural anti-aging nutrient called Sea Buckhorn –- which contains over 190 bioactive compounds and is an unsurpasse­d source of Omegas 3,6, and 9 -– plus a rich source of the elusive Omega-7, an essential acid vital to collagen production and healthy skin hair and nails.

BANISH YOUR FEAR OF ILLNESS The result is a new, all natural proprietar­y formula called AquaCell with the power to banish your fear of illness for good. In as little as a few weeks, every ache and pain will be a distant memory. You’ll feel more alive than ever before, and live longer than you’d expect to.


• STOPS INFLAMMATI­ON: TIME Magazine said ‘inflammati­on’ is the cause of almost every illness. The powerful ingredient­s in AquaCell break up the inflammati­on so it not only stops the illness, it actually reverses it.

• REMOVES DEADLY TOXINS: Found in the air, the water, and our food, AquaCell absorbs 100 different toxins and heavy metals so your cells don’t ‘pop’ or die prematurel­y. Result: You’ll feel and look 20 years younger.

• DRIVES OUT WEAK, UNHEALTHY CELLS: As you age, cells can become injured, damaged or worn down -- and aging begins. AquaCell expels the unhealthy cells and floods your body with cells that are ‘newborn young.’ So you feel like a whole new YOU!

• BOOSTS IMMUNITY: A study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition proved that a shortage of nutrients – zinc, selenium, iron, copper, and vitamins – dramatical­ly weakens immunity. With over 70 essential minerals and nutrients, AquaCell bulletproo­fs your immune system so it works like it did before it was destroyed by pollutants and toxins.

PROVEN IN 989 CLINICAL STUDIES After all the clinical studies, it’s no wonder

AquaCell is trusted by doctors and folks just like you.

“Anyone who wants super health should take it,” says Dr. Derrick DeSilva, JFK Medical Center Faculty Member.

“I’ve never seen a single supplement that can have an effect on so many different

systems at once,” adds Dr. Ron Shuler, D.D.S., CCN, LN.

Jim Wexford, Little Rock AZ says that he “was at death’s door, struggling with out-of-control cholestero­l. With my statins causing vomiting and severe muscle pain, I turned to AquaCell and the brown seaweed metabolize­d the fatty acids. My cholestero­l dropped like a stone. And I got my health back. All I can say is WOW!”

GROW OLDER BUT STAY YOUNG AquaCell is the breakthrou­gh that you’ve been waiting for. It vaporizes your deepest fears about growing old and sick and gives you ultimate peace-of-mind. So you can be there for your family for years to come. TEST TRIAL AVAILABLE

TO OUR READERS You owe it to yourself to experience the power of AquaCell. Call today and you try it risk-free for 30 days. That’s all it takes to feel reborn and energized, so you can enjoy every new day to its fullest again. And you have nothing to lose. It’s guaranteed to work or you’ll owe nothing!

When you take advantage of this incredible offer, you’ll also get a free bottle of Ubiquino ™ -- the advanced CoQ10 that’s six times more effective than regular CoQ10. It neutralize­s free radicals and repairs muscles and tissues like nothing else! on the planet. It’s a $20 value–- yours FREE!

AquaCell is the future of medicine, a quick 10-second solution to all your health worries. Turn hope into reality. Order your risk-free supply today! Call Now, Toll-Free 1-800-977-4042.

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