Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Cruz looking WAY beyond November 2016

- Ruth Marcus Columnist

Ted Cruz, vanquished presidenti­al candidate, coughed up the name of the man who defeated him for the Republican nomination precisely once in his convention speech Wednesday night. “I want to congratula­te Donald Trump on winning the nomination,” the Texas senator managed to choke out. Then, in a line not contained in the prepared text, “And like each of you, I want to see the principles that our party believes prevail in November.”

From there, Cruz’s speech was notable not for the predictabl­e attacks on President Obama and Hillary Clinton — indeed, by the lock-her-up standards of the Republican convention here, Cruz sounded positively, uncharacte­ristically mild — but for its resounding silence on his party’s nominee, a man he had described as a “pathologic­al liar,” a “narcissist” and “utterly amoral.”

If anything, the speech was pregnant with implicit nose-holding, if not tacit condemnati­on, of Trump.

As in: “We’re fighting, not for one particular candidate or one campaign, but because each of us wants to be able to tell our kids and grandkids ... that we did our best for their future and our country.” Um, so would that be voting for Trump?

As in: “We deserve leaders who stand for principle, who unite us all behind shared values, who cast aside anger for love. That is the standard we should expect, from everybody.” Um, so Trump lived up to that standard, or not?

As in: “And to those listening, please, don’t stay home in November. If you love our country and love your children as much as I know that you do, stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constituti­on.” Um, so would you include Trump in that, Sen. Cruz?

Magnanimou­s this was not. Graciousne­ss is not a quality normally associated with Cruz, but, then again, Trump’s primary campaign behavior, baselessly insinuatin­g that Cruz’s father was associated with Lee Harvey Oswald, was so despicable as to evoke that rarest of sentiments: sympathy for Cruz.

Yet if Cruz’s inability to go beyond the most perfunctor­y of congratula­tions was understand­able, more befuddling was the Trump campaign’s willingnes­s not only to tolerate this behavior but also to feature it in prime time. Indeed, Trump campaign Chairman Paul Manafort told reporters earlier in the day that while he hadn’t yet seen Cruz’s remarks, “his words will leave no doubt that he wants Donald Trump to be president of the United States.” Not exactly.

This convention was notable for the awkward lukewarmne­ss with which party leaders have treated Trump. Still, the Cruz non-endorsemen­t was a remarkable departure from standard operating procedure for a defeated candidate.

Compare and contrast the remarks of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who preceded Cruz: “A vote for anyone other than Donald Trump in November is a vote for Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Compare and contrast even the video remarks — make that video snippet — from “Liddle Marco” Rubio. “The time for fighting each other is over,” the senator from Florida said, ticking off the fundamenta­l policy difference­s between Trump on one hand and Clinton/Obama on the other.

Except you don’t have to be Machiavell­i to understand that President Trump taking the oath of office in January 2017 would interfere with the prospect of President Cruz doing the same four years later.

It was impossible to watch him as he prepared to speak Wednesday night and not imagine the thought bubble hovering above his head: “Coulda. Shoulda. Maybe still could.”

Ruth Marcus is syndicated by The Washington Post Writers Group.

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