Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Bans on political donations help reporters hide bias

- Jonah Goldberg The National Review Jonah Goldberg is syndicated by Tribune Media Services.

“Let me say for the billionth time: Reporters don’t root for a side. Period.”

This declarativ­e tweet came from the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza on Oct. 16. The next day, Cillizza posted on Twitter, “Well, this is super depressing. NO idea why any journalist would donate $ to politician­s.”

The “super depressing” story he was reacting to came from the Center for Public Integrity. According to its just-released study, more than 96 percent of donations from media figures to either of the two major-party presidenti­al candidates went to Hillary Clinton.

Left-wing outfits and various members of the journalist­ic guild nitpicked the report’s methodolog­y. And they made some good points. The study blended former journalist­s and people in the journalism business with actual reporters.

NPR interviewe­d Len Downie, the former executive editor of The Washington Post, about the report, and while he echoed many of these criticisms, he nonetheles­s criticized reporters who give money to presidenti­al campaigns. “No journalist should contribute, as far as I’m concerned, to political campaigns,” said Downie, who added that it creates “appearance­s of conflict of interest” for both journalist­s and news organizati­ons.

This is an ancient and — by my lights — ridiculous controvers­y. Anyone who has spent a moment around elite reporters or studied their output knows that they tend to be left of center. In 1981, S. Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman surveyed 240 leading journalist­s and found that 94 percent of them voted for Lyndon Johnson in 1964, 81 percent voted for George McGovern in 1972, and 81 percent voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976. Only 19 percent placed themselves on the right side of the political spectrum. Does anyone think the media has become less liberal since then?

None of this means liberals — or conservati­ves — can’t be good reporters, but the idea that media bias is nonexisten­t is ludicrous. Judges have far greater incentives to be neutral and objective, yet we know that Democrat-appointed judges tend to issue liberal decisions, and Republican-appointed judges tend to issue conservati­ve decisions.

The Obama administra­tion and campaigns have hired dozens of prominent, supposedly nonpartisa­n journalist­s, including former White House press secretary and Time magazine reporter Jay Carney, former Time managing editor Rick Stengel, The Washington Post’s Shailagh Murray and ABC’s Linda Douglass. Was it just a coincidenc­e that they were all ideologica­lly simpatico with the Obama agenda? How did the Obama team even figure out they were liberals in the first place?

The controvers­y over political donations gets the causality backwards. Donations to political campaigns are downstream of ideology. What I mean is, giving money to a liberal politician doesn’t make you a liberal. Being a liberal motivates you to give to the politician.

I don’t give money to campaigns for any number of reasons. But if I did, would anybody be shocked if I gave to conservati­ve politician­s?

Of course, I’m not a news reporter. I’m an opinion journalist. But imagine if instead of a prohibitio­n on political donations there was a requiremen­t. Reporters could give to anyone they wanted, but they had to make a donation of, say, $500. Does anyone doubt that the vast majority of reporters at The New York Times, The Washington Post or NBC would give to Democrats?

Downie and other journalist­ic Brahmins point to survey data showing that many journalist­s describe themselves as “independen­ts,” as if this is an impregnabl­e fortress of ideologica­l and partisan neutrality. It’s not. It’s more like a duck blind allowing journalist­s to hide their partisan biases. Former CBS anchor Dan Rather, who swore liberal media bias was a “myth,” said that “anybody who knows me knows that I am not politicall­y motivated, not politicall­y active for Democrats or Republican­s, and that I’m independen­t.”

That was the same Dan Rather who destroyed his career on a partisan, fraudulent witch hunt to take down George W. Bush.

I understand bans on reporters giving to campaigns, but we should understand what those bans are: a means of hiding the political leanings of reporters from readers and viewers. This lack of transparen­cy benefits news organizati­ons, but it really doesn’t fool anybody — except maybe the reporters themselves.

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