Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Runners have to decide whether to slide safely or with safety first

- By Jake Seiner

If Mike Trout has ever been concerned about his safety when stealing a base, it hasn’t held him back.

For the AL MVP and many of baseball’s best baserunner­s, it might not matter anyway. In those split seconds after ball beats runner to the bag, decisions aren’t made with much calculatio­n. If they see a way to the base, they’ll contort their body any which way to try to get there.

“When you look down there, you see the throw is going to beat you, you have to do something to try to escape,” the Los Angeles Angels star said last week.

Sometimes the result is a sweet, highlight-worthy slide. But as Trout experience­d over the weekend, there’s a risk to letting instinct take hold in those spots — he tore a ligament in his left thumb diving into second base in Miami on Sunday.

Trout was set to have surgery Wednesday to repair the thumb, which put him on the disabled list for the first time in his career. It’s yet to be seen if the injury will add caution to Trout’s baserunnin­g after years of brazen, crowdpleas­ing evasions of infielder’s tags.

Trout has been a regular Houdini on the basepaths throughout his career, and he’s particular­ly adept at missing tags when he goes in headfirst. He gave Blue Jays third baseman Josh Donaldson the slip on a stolen base last September with one, flipping onto his right side at the last moment, whipping his left arm away from Donaldson’s glove and getting his right hand on the corner of the base.

Trout has also gone headlong into first base when needed, and he even risked his body last season against Toronto when he avoided both a catcher and a discarded baseball bat on a slide into home plate.

Those kinds of plays might give some managers ulcers, but not all skippers are keen on slowing down their most gifted athletes. Pirates boss Clint Hurdle has one of baseball’s slickest baserunner­s in Josh Harrison, who has a history of staying safe in creative ways . Hurdle has no intention of holding Harrison back.

Harrison recently tested the bounds of his knee ligaments with a wild slide to avoid a tag at second base. While legging out a double, Harrison cut short his feet-first slide well shy of the bag by jamming his right foot into the ground. He popped into the air, and with his helmet knocked off, his legs splayed and his arms flailing, he dodged Nationals infielder Wilmer Difo and landed his left foot on second base. He immediatel­y looked into the Pirates dugout and grinned at his stunned teammates.

Harrison attributes his ability to elude defenders to his older brothers and a narrow hallway in his childhood home.

“I’m sure I’ve done things like that running from my brothers, running, thinking I’m going to slide under a tag or something,” he said. “Just trying to get away by any means. They were bigger than me.

“I would never suggest anybody to do that,” he added. “But if you can handle it, you obviously know if you can.”

If a player is capable of pulling off something like that, Hurdle isn’t about to make him stop.

“Let men play the game. That’s what I’ve got,” Hurdle said. “He plays the game with his heart outside his chest. I’ve never seen anybody avoid tags like he does. I think it’d be a waste of my time telling him, ‘Hey, can you slow down? Can you be a little bit more careful?’

“That’s one of the things that got him to the big leagues. That’s what keeps him playing,” Hurdled said. “He’s been to an AllStar Game. It’s that zest, that effort, that energy to play. So, I’m just going to let him play.”

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