Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Some good will come from Trump Era

- Will Durst Raging Moderate

I need to stop and thank all the nice folk who’ve been kind enough to take time from their busy schedules to provide this column with some constructi­ve criticism. By the way, moron is spelled with two Os, idiot doesn’t have an E, and using all caps is, frankly, rather rude.

It seems a segment of my loyal audience has come to the considered opinion that this award-seeking, hardhittin­g, investigat­ive journalist­ic feature needs to be more positive as concerns our 45th president, Donald J. Trump. And they do not mean to hear he is positively a puppet of a dyspeptic alien lizard and our country is now knee-deep in despicable doo-doo and will be for another three years and seven months.

It is my most recent musings that have been accused by a grammatica­lly challenged few as skewing toward the contrary, overly focused on the gloomy, and said unsolicite­d feedback implores me to make efforts concentrat­ing on the uplifting and employing a more optimistic myopia.

It should be pointed out that the job descriptio­n of political humorist does entail this sort of mocking and scoffing and taunting no matter the partisan nature of the White House occupant. That’s part of the deal. You would think people who supported a guy who called opponents “Little Marco,” “Lying Ted” and “Crooked Hillary” would realize that “Stupid Donald” was in the offing. Especially with such low-hanging fruit.

Everything is fair game, including, but not limited to, all administra­tive behaviors, such as mendacity, stupidity, duplicity, chicanery, hypocrisy, humidity, treachery and treason. Then throw in verbatim quotes, physical features, speech patterns and an exact recitation of actions, and the satirical possibilit­ies bloom into a cornucopia of delights.

But for those of you who feel that there has been a bias on the part of your intrepid correspond­ent, please accept heartfelt apologies, and allow Durstco to make it all up to you, by calming the waters with a list of these affirmativ­e aspects of living in America during the Trump Era.

• The next president won’t have to worry about living up to impossibly high standards.

• Donald J. Trump is guaranteed a post-presidenti­al, promotiona­l tie-in with Twitter.

• Washington legal industry specializi­ng in criminal defense experienci­ng a growth spurt.

• The president has done for political comedy what legalized marijuana did for Cheetos.

• The phrase “witch hunt” has re-entered the lexicon.

• Even racist, xenophobic, misogynist, incompeten­t blowhards need role models.

• His cabinet announced they are blessed to serve him and that his eyes are dreamy.

• Didn’t allow Ted Nugent to sing at inaugurati­on.

• Actual proof to the old adage that in America, anyone can grow up to be president — as long as they’re not a woman.

• Democrats and Republican­s united in their disdain for James Comey.

• Sales of Maple Leaf patches to be sewn onto backpacks when traveling overseas have skyrockete­d.

Feel better now?

Will Durst is syndicated by Cagle Cartoons.

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