Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

GOP left confused after Trump makes nice with Dems

- By Ken Thomas and Catherine Lucey

President Donald Trump was in the mood to celebrate after cutting a big deal with opposition Democrats.

Joshing with Northeaste­rn officials in the Cabinet Room, Trump hailed New York Democrat Andrew Cuomo as “my governor” and traded banter with Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, another fellow New Yorker.

“If you just dropped in from outer space, you wouldn’t know what the last eight months have been like,” said Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., recalling the friendly exchanges between Trump and Schumer during the meeting with New York and New Jersey lawmakers.

That would be the same Schumer whom the president had previously slammed as a “clown” and “Cryin’ Chuck.” And now? “In some ways it’s almost like they were completing each other’s sentences,” King said.

On display at that chummy scene Thursday was the Trump who’s emerged in full this past week: Trump the independen­t.

A president who spent months catering to the Republican conservati­ve wing now appears unbound by ideology and untethered by party allegiance­s.

It’s not a complete surprise to his fellow Republican­s. They long have worried that Trump, a former Democrat, might shift with the political winds. But Trump’s overtures to Democrats have left Republican­s in an awkward and perplexing position, undercut by their leader and unsure of what’s next.

“Our grass roots are very confused,” said Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., head of the conservati­ve House Freedom Caucus, on MSNBC Friday. Meadows said he viewed the deal as a “unique situation because of the devastatio­n in Texas.”

Trump’s deal with Democrats to raise the U.S. borrowing limit and keep the government running for three month months — all in the name of speeding relief to hurricane victims — quickly passed Congress and gave him the opportunit­y to savor a victory after months of legislativ­e setbacks.

He’s now talking about possible future deals with Democrats — doing away with votes on the raising the debt cap, and shielding from deportatio­n young immigrants living in the United States illegally who came brought here as children.

“I think that’s what the people of the United States want to see,” Trump said. “They want to see some dialogue.”

It’s unclear how much of Trump’s turnabout is a deliberate strategy to create space for his tax overhaul this fall or simply a deal-maker’s gut decision, bargained during an Oval Office session that left his fellow Republican­s gobsmacked.

Trump has been frustrated by GOP leaders and blames House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for his inability to score big triumphs in Congress. He’s appeared unconcerne­d about dismissing their opposition to the debt ceiling deal, focusing instead on the fact that the move has him rare kudos with some television commentato­rs.

Trump sprinkled salt on the wound Friday by reminding GOP leaders via Twitter about their failed efforts to overhaul former President Barack Obama’s health law: “Republican­s, sorry, but I’ve been hearing about Repeal & Replace for 7 years, didn’t happen!”

In venting about Republican congressio­nal leaders, Trump may just be channeling his supporters. Trump, who essentiall­y hijacked the party two years ago, has positioned himself as the voice of voters who feel alienated from Washington and disdain both parties.

“The Republican­s in the Senate did not follow through on their commitment in working with the administra­tion to repeal Obamacare. So what’s he going to do?” asked Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council.

 ?? EVAN VUCCI — ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Vice President Mike Pence looks on with President Donald Trump during a meeting with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and other congressio­nal leaders in the Oval Office on Wednesday.
EVAN VUCCI — ASSOCIATED PRESS Vice President Mike Pence looks on with President Donald Trump during a meeting with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and other congressio­nal leaders in the Oval Office on Wednesday.

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