Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Vice president to flex fundraisin­g muscle for Republican­s

- By Brian Slodysko and Ken Thomas

Vice President Mike Pence went home to Indiana to pressure the state’s lone Democratic senator to support a GOP tax overhaul.

He’ll bounce to Alabama today, campaignin­g for President Donald Trump’s pick in a special Senate election. And by Thursday, he’ll be in Milwaukee, headlining a $35,000-per-couple fundraiser.

Such is life for Pence, Trump’s political utility player, whose services are increasing­ly in demand as Republican­s brace for a Democratic onslaught in the 2018 elections.

Pence is planning a torrent of campaign events across the county in the coming months, aiming to raise money for Trump’s re-election, reward incumbents for tough votes and help former colleagues from his 12-years in Congress. It’s a push that plays to the vice president’s sharpened skills and is also likely to bolster a political network that could serve him for years to come.

While Trump is a divisive figure whose presence could create a headache for a swing district incumbent, Pence comes with less baggage but still brings the celebrity of the White House, as well as his own prodigious fundraisin­g ability.

A former talk radio host, congressma­n and Indiana governor, Pence has had plenty of time to hone his skills. He’s known to be adept at sizing up a room, knowing what message will play well and sticking to it. Pence, who once joked that he was “tea party before it was cool,” helps put GOP skeptics at ease.

Craig Dunn, a former GOP chairman in Indiana’s Howard County, says one of Pence’s strengths is he doesn’t “look over your shoulder to who is more important in the room.”

“Some guys breeze in (to a fundraisin­g dinner) with their entourage like Christ to cleanse the temple. You come away thinking, ‘I need to take a shower,’” said Dunn, who has known Pence since he was a congressma­n. “Mike is just not that type of person.”

Pence has been far less effective as a deal-maker when trying to use his relationsh­ips with GOP leaders in Congress to advance the president’s agenda. The latest Trump-backed effort to repeal “Obamacare” all but flamed out when Republican Sen. John McCain announced he wouldn’t vote for it. Pence breezed past that developmen­t dur- ing a speech, acknowledg­ing that an anticipate­d vote next week was “not going to be easy” but insisting “President Trump and I are undeterred.”

The response was typical for a man who defaults to sunny optimism — mimicking his political idol, former President Ronald Reagan — while sometimes steering clear of inconvenie­nt facts.

For some Republican­s, particular­ly convention­al party stalwarts, Pence has been a reassuring presence in unpredicta­ble times.

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