Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Nothing wrong with census question about citzenship

- Marc A. Thiessen Columnist Marc A. Thiessen is syndicated by the Washington Post Writers Group.

WASHINGTON » The Trump administra­tion is being sued over its plans to include a question about citizenshi­p in the 2020 Census, which California Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D) says “is not just a bad idea — it is illegal.”

No, it’s not. There is nothing wrong with asking about citizenshi­p. Canada asks a citizenshi­p question on its census. So do Australia and many other U.S. allies. The U.S. government asked about citizenshi­p for 130 years — from 1820 to 1950 — as part of the decennial “short form” census and continued to do so in the “long form” survey — distribute­d to 1 in 6 people — through 2000, when the long form was replaced by the annual American Community Survey. The ACS goes to about 2.6 percent of the population each year and asks about citizenshi­p to this day.

So why are many on the left up in arms over a question that should be relatively uncontrove­rsial? Answer: Money and power. Democrats are worried that adding a citizenshi­p question will dampen participat­ion in the census by illegal immigrants, reducing the total population count in the Democratic-leaning metropolit­an areas where illegal immigrants are largely concentrat­ed. Because census data is used to determine the distributi­on of federal funds, that could decrease the cities’ share of more than $675 billion a year in federal funding. And because census data is also used to create and apportion congressio­nal seats, Democrats fear that if illegal immigrants don’t participat­e it could shift power from Democratic cities to rural communitie­s, which tend to vote Republican.

At least, that’s Democrats’ theory. But there is no evidence that a citizenshi­p question would dramatical­ly impact census participat­ion. The census is not like a telemarket­ing survey where people have the option of adding their names to a “do not call” list. Everyone is required by law to respond. If a household does not fill out the census form, then census workers visit that household to gather census data. If they still cannot get a household to cooperate, nonrespond­ents can be fined or prosecuted — though in practice they rarely are. Usually, the Census Bureau instead asks neighbors about the household in order to get as much accurate informatio­n as possible. This may add costs to the census, but it is not likely to produce inaccurate data.

Moreover, if asking about citizenshi­p is a deterrent to participat­ion by illegal immigrants, then what about the existing census question that asks whether respondent­s are “of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin” - the only ethnic group specifical­ly called out. Respondent­s are required by law to tell the government whether they are of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban or other Hispanic origin, which they are required to list (“print origin, for example, Argentinea­n, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on”). If that does not deter the participat­ion of many illegal immigrants, how would a question on citizenshi­p?

There is no good reason not to answer the census, whether one is here legally or illegally. As the Census Bureau points out, “It is against the law for any Census Bureau employee to disclose or publish any census or survey informatio­n that identifies an individual or business ... the FBI and other government entities do not have the legal right to access this informatio­n.” Furthermor­e, the proposed question is about citizenshi­p, not legal status. This question should not be a deterrent to participat­ion for anyone.

But let’s say for the sake of argument that some illegal immigrants do decide not to participat­e in the 2020 Census. So what? Illegal immigrants are here illegally. If they choose to violate U.S. law yet again by refusing to participat­e in the census because of a perfectly legitimate question about citizenshi­p, that’s not the U.S. government’s fault.

This is a losing issue for Democrats. They are effectivel­y arguing that sanctuary cities should be rewarded with more federal money for interferin­g with the federal enforcemen­t of our immigratio­n laws and turning themselves into magnets for illegal immigrants. And Democrats, who claim to be deeply concerned about foreign interferen­ce in our democracy, seem to have no problem with foreign interferen­ce when it comes to noncitizen­s in the United States illegally affecting the distributi­on of seats in Congress. If Democrats want to make that argument to the American people, go for it. It will further alienate millions of voters who abandoned the Democratic Party in the 2016 election.

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