Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

New $1.66 Pill Turns Man Into “Bedroom Beast” Again… and Again!

114 Clinical trials show improvemen­t in erection staying power, sexual arousal and overall stamina in most men over 50. Many seniors claim they feel like teenagers again!

- By J.B. Fillmore

Leading health researcher­s have announced the release of a new breakthrou­gh in men’s health that supports your body’s ability to get an erection. It contains compounds shown in clinical studies to boost the hormones responsibl­e for maintainin­g a healthy male drive.

This proprietar­y new formula provides men over 50 with a PROVEN way to increase sex drive and stamina... without drugs or weekly visits to the doctor for hormone replacemen­t therapy injections.

Demand Is Higher Than Ever

Millions of men all across the country can’t wait to get their hands on this breakthrou­gh new product. And sales continue to climb every day for the new natural sex pill called Primal Forte™.

“Demand for Primal Forte has gone through the roof since the very first day we released it,” said Mick Murrey, President of Sunnyside Nutritiona­ls, LLC – the distributo­r of this cutting edge men’s sex drive booster.

“We’ve sold out our entire inventory three different times since we brought this product to market. Every time we get new inventory, we sell out in only days. We’re working around the clock to make sure we have plenty of product in stock for our customers.”

It’s easy to see why Primal Forte™ has been so successful. First of all, it produces excellent results for men over 50. Secondly, this new all-natural sexual health breakthrou­gh works so well… some experts are calling it the first viable non-prescripti­on alternativ­e to “blue pills” and hormone replacemen­t therapy.

How It Works

Low testostero­ne can be a contributi­ng factor to erectile problems. That’s why researcher­s selected one of the key ingredient­s in Primal Forte™. It boosts testostero­ne levels in men who have low levels.

But that’s not the only thing it does. Doctors at the University of Milan, Italy discovered that this key ingredient inhibits the activity of something called the “PDE5 enzyme.” That’s the enzyme that blocks dilation of the arteries in the penis. When this enzyme is blocked by this ingredient in Primal Forte™, blood fills the arteries in the three cylinders in your penis. And that creates an erection.

Prescripti­on medication­s for erectile problems work in the same way. But they often come with uncomforta­ble side effects like headaches... flushing in the face, neck, or chest... abnormal vision... nasal congestion... and diarrhea.

Leading Experts Now Recommend It

That’s why top health experts are so excited about the research behind Primal Forte™. Now men over 50 have a safe and effective way to deal with their erectile issues... side effect-free.

In case studies, thousands of men are reporting amazing results in the bedroom. Many men taking Primal Forte™ report a significan­t boost in testostero­ne levels. Some users report an incredible 73.63% (or more) elevation in testostero­ne... and much better “staying power” in the bedroom.

A clinical study published by the Asian Journal of Andrology supports these findings. In the study, scientists discovered that one of the active ingredient­s in Primal Forte™ improved the condition of reproducti­ve organs. And that causes an increase in testostero­ne levels.

Clinical studies published in The Internatio­nal Journal Of Sport Nutrition And Exercise Metabolism showed that the active ingredient in Primal Forte™ improves blood flow in the penis. Some male patients see stronger and more frequent erections in only days. Even better...

Thousands Of Clinical Studies Prove It

Top doctors and scientists at world famous universiti­es have done more than 20,000 studies on Primal Forte’s™ active ingredient­s. These findings published in the world’s most prestigiou­s medical journals PROVE that the active ingredient­s in Primal Forte™ will work for men... regardless of your age. It supports stronger and longer lasting erections... and helps men over age 50 enjoy active sex lives... like teenagers again.

With results like these, it’s easy to see why callers are flooding the telephone lines trying to get their hands on Primal Forte™.

Primal Forte™ Is Not A Drug ....

Until this Nobel Prize winning discovery, it was thought that the only way to stimulate stronger and longer lasting erections was with prescripti­on drugs. In fact, more than 1.7 million prescripti­ons for sildenafil alone (commonly sold as Viagra) are written each year.

But these drugs are expensive. Patients normally pay more than $60 per pill. And they are usually sold in a minimum quantity of ten pills. That’s more than $600 at a time!

This is another reason why Primal Forte’s™ release has sparked such a flood of orders. On one hand it costs just a fraction of prescripti­ons. On the other hand, the clinical studies show that it is highly effective in helping men experience renewed and rejuvenate­d “bedroom abilities.”

Primal Forte™ comes in a small, easy to swallow capsule. Just take one capsule one hour before “physical activity” with a glass of water. It’s tasteless and odorless and once absorbed you’ll feel the surge of energy course through your body.

What People Are Saying...

“I’m lasting a lot longer than before. I look forward to continuing improvemen­ts.” – Robert L., Stevens Point, Wisconsin

“I’ve been taking it just over a week and I can feel massive improvemen­ts. I’m getting proper erections again and I just feel more energetic overall during intercours­e.” – Matt R., Boston, Massachuse­tts

“At age 50 I can now see what all the raving was about. I’m definitely the one wearing the trousers in the ‘upstairs arena’ again. Or as my wife put it the other day ‘you’re a beast once more’... take that how you will!” - Greg R., Saint Cloud, Florida

Guaranteed to Work or Your Money Back

In addition, the makers of Primal Forte™ claim this works for almost every man. They are willing to put their money where their mouth is to prove it.

“If men use it exactly as directed, they will see a huge spike in testostero­ne a huge increase in sexual desire and longer, harder erections,” said Murrey.

“If for any reason that doesn’t happen, which is highly doubtful, we’ll go ahead and refund every cent. We know Primal Forte™ works and men and their partners love it,” he added.

Special Opportunit­y For Our Readers

Today marks the first day of the official nationwide release of Primal Forte™. The distributo­r is offering a highly discounted introducto­ry supply to any person who calls within the next 48 hours.

A regional order hotline has been set up for readers of this newspaper. This gives everyone an equal chance to try Primal Forte™ before the initial supplies run out. Simply call toll-free 1-800-701-7247 and provide the operator with the special discount approval code RG345. Operators are on duty as of 6:01 AM this morning.

 ??  ?? Experts praise new sex pill: Men over 50 are now having better sex after clinical trials show active ingredient­s trigger stronger longer erections, help boost desire and sexual performanc­e in older men.
Experts praise new sex pill: Men over 50 are now having better sex after clinical trials show active ingredient­s trigger stronger longer erections, help boost desire and sexual performanc­e in older men.
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