Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

The virtue of original sin liberalism

- EJ Dionne Columnist E.J. Dionne is syndicated by the Washington Post Writers Group.

WASHINGTON » The searing political and social divides in our country encourage a search for the magic key. We want a Big Idea that will explain why we disagree so passionate­ly — on gun control, abortion, taxes and lots of other things — and also why we seem to loathe those whose beliefs diverge from our own.

A few weeks ago, Robert Leonard, a radio news director in Knoxville, Iowa, took a thoughtful crack at exploring why Americans in rural areas so often differ with their urban fellow citizens on gun control. Writing in The New York Times, Leonard argued that their difference­s came down to radically opposed understand­ings of human nature, about as sweeping an explanatio­n as you’ll get.

Leonard cited a 2015 Iowa speech by former Republican Congressma­n J. C. Watts. “Mr. Watts said Democrats think people were born basically good, so when good people did bad things, something in society (in this case, guns) needed to be controlled,” Leonard wrote. “Republican­s think the fault lies with the person — the perpetrato­r of the evil. Bad choices result in bad things being done, in part because the perpetrato­r lacks the moral guidance the Christian faith provides.”

“The reaction to mass shootings highlights this difference,” Leonard continued. “Liberals blame the guns and want to debate gun control. For conservati­ves, the blame lies with the shooter, not the gun.”

This is certainly a good descriptio­n of the “guns don’t kill people” rhetoric of those opposed to taking action against guns. Here’s the problem, and perhaps this might help us talk to each other about these matters: Extreme optimism about human nature is not, in fact, central to the liberal creed. On the contrary, especially since the 1930s and 1940s, liberals have been acutely aware of our fallen nature and our capacity for evil. The Holocaust, the Gulag, the destructiv­eness of nuclear weapons and the staggering death toll of World War II made thoroughly sunny perspectiv­es about human goodness obsolete. The horrors in this period gave birth to a different kind of liberalism, distilled in the thinking of the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr.

As the historian Arthur Schlesinge­r Jr. wrote in honoring one of his heroes, Niebuhr’s reflection­s on the contempora­ry meaning of the Christian concept of original sin taught liberals and everyone else about “the mixed and ambivalent character of human nature — creative impulses matched by destructiv­e impulses, regard for others overruled by excessive selfregard, the will to power, the individual under constant temptation to play God to history.”

As an Original Sin Liberal myself, I agree with Leonard’s friends and neighbors that human beings can do terrible things and that accountabi­lity is part of justice.

But I’d argue in turn that law exists precisely to “tame the savageness of man,” a phrase Robert Kennedy drew from classical sources. The human capacity for sin and evil requires us to consider that denying someone the right to own an AR-15 may enhance the right to life of far more people than those restrained by such a restrictio­n. Background checks are based on the view that if we can keep weapons out of the hands of those who have a record of perpetrati­ng violence (as well as those with psychiatri­c problems), we can reduce the number of evil acts that people are, indeed, quite capable of performing.

An Original Sin Liberal might go on to challenge conservati­ves who claim to be very conscious of human fallibilit­y and our capacity for selfishnes­s. Why do they so often oppose laws reducing the likelihood that individual­s and companies will despoil the environmen­t or take advantage of their employees?

A noble but guarded attitude toward human nature is prominent in James Madison’s thinking, leading him to see the politics of a democratic republic as entailing an ongoing search for balance.

On the one hand, we need to pass laws because we know that men and women are not angels. But this also means that we should be wary of placing too much power in government, since it is run by flawed human beings who can be guilty of overreach. Many of our arguments involve not irreconcil­able values but different assessment­s of where this balance should tilt at a given time on a given issue.

I don’t pretend that any of this will persuade Leonard’s skeptical friends and neighbors to support gun control. But I would ask them to ponder the possibilit­y that our conviction­s about humanity and our flaws may not be as different as they might imagine.

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