Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Immigrants flow to U.S. as guns go south

- By Lisa Marie Pane

Among the thousands of immigrants who have been coming across the U.S.-Mexico border in recent months, many are seeking to escape gang and drug violence raging in their homelands. The weapon of choice used to intimidate them? Often an American-made gun.

While the flow of drugs and immigrants into the U.S. has been well-documented for decades and become a regular part of the political debate, what is often overlooked is how gangs and drug cartels exploit weaknesses at the border to smuggle guns from the U.S. into Latin America.

A 2013 report by the University of San Diego says the number of firearms smuggled from the United States was so significan­t that nearly half of American gun dealers rely on that business to stay afloat. On average, an estimated 253,000 firearms each year are purchased in the United States expressly to be sent to Mexico, the report said, the vast majority of the sales originatin­g in the border states of California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

Once in Mexico, the weapons end up in the hands of drug cartels or get shipped to gangs in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador — countries that are dealing with an epidemic of gun violence.

Armed holdups on public transporta­tion are a regular occurrence in Honduras, where nearly half of the unregister­ed weapons originated in the U.S., the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives reported in recent years.

Gun violence in El Salvador is so rampant that the country has been averaging more than one shootout a day between police and gangs this year, said Ricardo Sosa, a criminolog­ist specializi­ng in gangs and security in El Salvador.

“In every one of these operations, police are able to seize between two and six firearms at the scene,” he said. “That is one of the indicators that the gangs are armed on many occasions with long guns and short guns for each one of their members.”

Mexico last year recorded its highest number of murders in nearly two decades, with more than 31,000 people killed, higher than even during the country’s drug war in 2011. It continues unabated with an average of 88 people killed each day in the first five months of this year.

The bloodshed in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador has been a big driver of immigratio­n into the U.S., with the government saying nearly 16,000 families came across the border in August alone — many of them from those three countries.

Gun-control groups contend that the U.S. government is essentiall­y exporting gang violence to Latin America with permissive gun laws — which in turn creates an immigratio­n crisis along the border.

“If the Trump administra­tion were serious about wanting to stop refugees from fleeing violence in Latin America and Mexico to come north, they would be doing something about the southward gun traffickin­g that is fueling a lot of that migration,” said Adam Skaggs, chief counsel with the Giffords Law Center.

Gun-rights activists say the issue is overblown and mischaract­erized.

The National Rifle Associatio­n and other gun-rights groups contend the most effective way to combat the problem is not with stricter gun laws but by eradicatin­g drug cartels and other criminal enterprise­s.

They say the numbers are inflated and that the industry has proactivel­y sought to educate licensed gun dealers on how to detect “straw purchases,” in which a firearm is bought expressly to give it to someone who otherwise would not be able to legally own a gun.

“Obviously, Mexico has a huge problem with rampant corruption that clearly cannot be blamed on the U.S.,” the NRA said in a position paper on the issue in 2009. “At the same time, Mexico has extremely prohibitiv­e gun laws, yet has far worse crime than the U.S.”

Under the Obama administra­tion, federal authoritie­s launched an operation dubbed Fast and Furious that allowed criminals to buy firearms with the intention of tracking them to criminal organizati­ons. But the ATF lost most of the guns, including two that were found at the scene of a slaying of a U.S. Border Patrol agent.

In 2011, gun dealers along the border states were required to report to the ATF anytime someone purchased two or more semiautoma­tic long guns in a fiveday period.

President Donald Trump issued an executive order in 2017 as his response to gun traffickin­g, directing federal agencies to ramp up prosecutio­n aimed at going after foreign criminals and to improve coordinati­on among federal agencies along the border.

Nabbing the guns at the border is a challenge on several levels. They aren’t as detectable as drug shipments, and they can be disassembl­ed and loaded with legal goods making their way from the U.S.

“The effectiven­ess of this kind of gun smuggling still remains very high. It doesn’t take a whole lot,” said David Shirk, one of the University of San Diego report’s authors.

Experts say a big reason gun traffickin­g remains one of the hot commoditie­s flowing from the United States into Latin America is profit.

Retired ATF agent Bernard Zapor noted that an AR-platform firearm that sells retail in the U.S. for $1,000 can fetch more than $4,000 in Mexico. A box of ammo that might go for just under $200 could command $3,000.

“They’re not buying grandpa’s old shotgun that’s been lying around and found in a shed,” Zapor said. “They’re buying brand new Colt AR-15s.”

 ??  ??
 ?? AP PHOTO/MATT YORK, FILE ?? In this Jan. 25, 2011, file photo, a cache of seized weapons that were to be smuggled into Mexico is displayed in Phoenix.
AP PHOTO/MATT YORK, FILE In this Jan. 25, 2011, file photo, a cache of seized weapons that were to be smuggled into Mexico is displayed in Phoenix.
 ?? RUDY GUTIERREZ/THE EL PASO TIMES VIA AP, FILE ?? This Jan. 17, 2008 file photo, southbound vehicles leave El Paso, Texas, and enter Juarez, Mexico, at the Bridge of the Americas internatio­nal port of entry.
RUDY GUTIERREZ/THE EL PASO TIMES VIA AP, FILE This Jan. 17, 2008 file photo, southbound vehicles leave El Paso, Texas, and enter Juarez, Mexico, at the Bridge of the Americas internatio­nal port of entry.

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