Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Maybe America wants a parliament

- Bill Press is syndicated by Tribune Content Agency. His email address is bill@billpress.com.

Americans, God bless ‘em, revere the Constituti­on, even if they disagree on what it says.

After Donald Trump, nobody’s been campaignin­g harder this year than former Vice President Joe Biden. And he says for good reason: “I’m sick and tired of this administra­tion. I’m sick and tired of what’s going on. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I hope you are, too.”

Yes, Joe, I’m also sick and tired. And I’m especially sick and tired of Republican­s who defend Donald Trump. Some of them may have stood up to him a couple of years ago, but since then they have all embraced him, each and every last one of them.

First, I confess. I’m a lifelong Democrat, yet always Republican-friendly. Most of my family, including parents and grandparen­ts, were Republican­s. In my memoir, “From the Left,” I admit that in college, the very first time I voted, I pulled the lever for Kenneth Keating, the incumbent Republican senator from New York, over Democratic challenger Bobby Kennedy. Later, I was chief of staff for California Republican State Senator Peter Behr. At one time, I seriously considered switching my voter registrati­on to Republican, until wiser friends talked me out of it.

But, let’s be honest. The Republican Party we once knew no longer exists. It’s now the party of Trump. And the Republican­s we once knew and admired are no longer the same. They’ve sold their heart and soul to Donald Trump and look the other way while he tramples everything they once believed in.

It wasn’t so long ago that Republican­s were fiscal conservati­ves. They campaigned fiercely against deficit-spending. Today, they’re the masters of it. When the Treasury Department announced that the federal deficit exploded to $779 billion in 2018, a 17 percent increase over 2017, and is expected to top $1 trillion next year, Republican­s in Congress didn’t make a peep. A far cry from when Republican­s demanded $1 trillion in spending cuts from President Obama before agreeing to a debt ceiling increase. On deficits, Republican­s totally caved in to Donald Trump.

It wasn’t so long ago that Republican­s were free-traders and against tariffs. That’s what they were known for. No longer. When President Trump slapped new tariffs on Canada, Mexico, the European Union and China, a few Republican­s expressed concern, but Congress took no action to block the tariffs or prevent a trade war with China. On tariffs, Republican­s totally caved in to Donald Trump.

It wasn’t so long ago that Republican­s also believed in immigratio­n reform. After Mitt Romney’s loss to Barack Obama in 2012, Sen. Lindsey Graham, RSouth Carolina, warned the Republican Party they’d be in a “demographi­c death spiral” unless they took the lead on comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform. Yet today they’ve joined Donald Trump in an ugly, racist assault on immigrants, both legal and illegal, including ending the Dreamers program, targeting birthright citizenshi­p and deploying thousands of troops to the border.

Oh, yeah, that’s another thing. It wasn’t so long ago that Republican­s preached the judicious use of America’s military power (with the exception, of course, of George W. Bush’s war in Iraq). But no longer. Today, they stand down while Donald Trump proposes sending 15,000 troops to our southern border — more troops than we have fighting ISIS — to protect us against a caravan of unarmed refugee families 1,000 miles from Texas who may or may not ever reach the border someday to seek asylum. To rally Republican midterm voters, Trump’s deploying soldiers in a political stunt. And, again, Republican­s simply cave in.

By the way, it wasn’t so long ago that Republican­s also believed presidents should always tell the truth, should not spend too much time playing golf and should be of outstandin­g moral character — never, for example, paying a porn star $130,000 to keep quiet about having sex with her.

Plus, you and I remember — it wasn’t that long ago — when Ted Cruz called Donald Trump “a pathologic­al liar” and “utterly amoral,” when Lindsey Graham called him a “race-baiting, xenophobic bigot” or when Mitt Romney called him a “fraud” and said, “his promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University.” Yet today all three are solid Trumpers, as is every other leading Republican. There’s not one with any backbone.

Which leaves voters only one option on November 6. By all means, vote. But vote only for Democrats, up and down the line, for everything from dog catcher to mayor to governor to U.S. senator. Whatever you do, don’t vote for one single Republican. They have all sold out. They are all cowards. They are all Trump’s enablers.

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