Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

No need for NY study of ‘medical aid in dying’


Dear Editor: Re: “Cahill presses for NY state study of assisted suicide,” Feb. 13, 2019:

While I appreciate Assemblyma­n Kevin Cahill’s interest in thoroughly researchin­g the issue of medical aid in dying, this issue has already been thoroughly researched, and the study he mentions is a waste of taxpayer dollars and of time, especially for those whom this bill can help.

Death with dignity has been legal and in place for greater than 20 years in Oregon and is legal in more than seven other states and in Canada. All of the questions he wants answered by this study can be answered now without a study. For that matter, while these same concerns were raised in other states prior to enacting their laws, there have been no problems or issues following passage. Not a single case of concern.

I was a silent supporter of death with dignity until my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and asked me to help, as he did not want to suffer a long and incapacita­ted end. As a physician who helped people at the end of their lives, he was not the first to ask me to help them end their lives on their own terms.

Which brings me to a final objection about this article: Medical aid in dying is not “physician-assisted suicide.” It is not suicide when you know you are dying and you decide to do it in your own way with your family and friends in support. The people and physicians of New York overwhelmi­ngly support this act. Let’s not block it unnecessar­ily. Maggie Carpenter

New Paltz

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