Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Protecting health care, and our Constituti­on

- EJ Dionne E.J. Dionne is syndicated by the Washington Post Writers Group.

For House Democrats, this will be health care week. E.J. Dionne wonders how many voters will notice?

For House Democrats, this will be health care week. How many voters will notice?

The answer will be instructiv­e about how the constituti­onal crisis that is upon us will affect action on every other problem voters expect their government to confront.

President Trump is engaged, as is his way, in a two-faced game. He says that by demanding the Mueller report’s evidence of obstructio­n of justice, Democrats are mounting a vendetta that will prevent Washington from governing. Yet it is Trump who keeps the investigat­ion at the heart of the news. He talks and tweets about it nonstop. He is impeding the House’s accountabi­lity efforts across-theboard in the wake of the Mueller report, blocking access to administra­tion officials and documents — including his tax returns. The House cannot leave his insult to its constituti­onal powers unanswered. It’s widely conjecture­d that Trump is courting impeachmen­t because it would promote the “us vs. them” approach to politics with which he’s most comfortabl­e.

But none of this resolves the House Democrats’ quandaries over the most effective ways to push back, and whether to move quickly to impeachmen­t.

The easiest call is to keep legislatin­g. The package of health care bills they began passing last week and are scheduled to complete in the coming days is designed to keep the promises that virtually every Democrat ran on last year: to guard the Affordable Care Act from the administra­tion’s efforts to repeal or gut it; to protect the insurance of Americans with preexistin­g conditions; to contain prescripti­on drug prices; and to prevent the rise of “junk insurance” that could wreck the insurance markets.

The Democrats scored a modest early victory in gaining attention for their health care push. On Thursday, Democrats passed a bill that would block Trump administra­tion efforts to facilitate the sale of skimpy insurance plans. It got media hits, but mostly on the inside pages of newspapers and lower down on websites. The vote itself, amidst all the Trump news, was a signal that the House would continue to pass legislatio­n and keep its pledges.

Nonetheles­s, there is a fundamenta­l flaw in the standard account of how Democrats who won Republican seats in 2018 are affected by all this. The convention­al view is that these Democrats won on health care and other breadand-butter issues and that concern over Trump was secondary.

It’s certainly true that economic issues were important to swing voters in their districts. But this analysis underestim­ates the extent to which the backlash against Trump was important in boosting Democratic turnout in every district.

The bulk of the voters Democratic challenger­s had a chance of winning were already dissatisfi­ed with the president, his efforts to repeal the ACA being just one element of their discontent. Victorious candidates, particular­ly in suburban districts, typically linked their appeals on issues with broad promises to end the rubber-stamping of the president’s approach.

Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J., who ousted a five-term GOP incumbent, was one of them. “I ran on health care and infrastruc­ture and getting things done for our district and our country,” he said in an interview, “but I never hesitated in talking about checks and balances, decency and the rule of law.”

Malinowski is deeply involved in passing the health care package, but he argues that his party has an inescapabl­e responsibi­lity to ensure that Trump’s “unacceptab­le conduct” in 2016 and beyond “never happens again.”

Part of the response, Malinowski says, should be legislativ­e — for example, requiring candidates who are offered foreign help to report the propositio­n to the Justice Department, and outlawing the sharing of campaign informatio­n, such as polling, with a foreign power.

When it comes to impeachmen­t, Malinowski says what matters most is keeping Trump’s abuses from establishi­ng a precedent. “If we do nothing, there’s a risk of setting that precedent,” he says of the House. But if the House impeached and the Senate acquitted, he argues, the acquittal itself might be read as sending exactly the wrong message for the future.

For now, Malinowski supports Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s efforts to fight Trump’s stonewalli­ng without moving immediatel­y to impeachmen­t. But he does not pretend that the dilemma over impeachmen­t can be avoided indefinite­ly.

Malinowski’s thinking is a window into the challenges the Democrats face. The least of them is passing bills, which they’ll continue doing. In deciding on impeachmen­t, the House’s newest members know they were elected with an obligation to take on one of the most corrupt administra­tions in our history. They’re also aware how much depends on the choices they make.

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