Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

A galaxy of stars at this week’s Democratic debates

- By now, the winners and losers of the first Democratic presidenti­al debate(s) have been thoroughly hashed, roasted and served up overdone. Bottom line: Women won. Sens. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar all made strong showings, outshinin

and a couple of men claimed to have engaged in extramarit­al relations with her, Dawson got his intel at a dry cleaner’s. He knew Haley would survive when two women working there told him they didn’t know — or care — if the stories were true. Haley strongly denied both.

One of my own favorite stopovers for political insight is Camden Antiques Market, a destinatio­n shop/social meeting place here for dealers, collectors and random others who enjoy the company of owner Patricia Richardson, an erstwhile New Yorker and independen­t voter.

Tall, tough, well-read and engaged, Richardson is rarely without comment. When I popped in after the first debate, she reduced her impression­s to a single scenario: “I try to picture each one of them sitting across from Kim Jong Un and I ask myself, who would do best? That’s all I care about, and most didn’t qualify.”

Hers is a rational perspectiv­e, and yet, little time was dedicated to foreign policy last Wednesday and Thursday. With one or two exceptions, moderators mostly stuck to domestic issues, despite the fact that a president has almost unilateral control over so many decisions that affect millions of lives.

President Trump’s record — pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p trade pact, the Paris climate accord and the Iran nuclear deal; imposing tariffs on China; and playing strange with Kim and Russian President Vladimir Putin — underscore­s how important it is to get a read on where candidates stand.

Among the contenders who have polled in the upper tier, Biden is most experience­d in the internatio­nal arena. But his debate performanc­e — seemingly confused and tentative at times — created new doubts about his sturdiness for the top job. Twice, he abruptly ended his own answers with a “time’s up,” as though relieved he didn’t have to complete his thought.

When moderators asked candidates to raise their hands in response to several yes-or-no questions, Biden’s went up late and halfhearte­dly. He appeared to be gauging audience reaction before making his decision.

The same night, Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, gave a decent answer about China, noting that the communist nation is “using technology for the perfection of dictatorsh­ip,” and he countered Trump’s approach with a plea for greater investment in domestic competitiv­eness. When the Wednesday field was asked if they’d re-enter the Iran deal, all but one (New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker) raised their hands, including that evening’s hands-down winner, former Housing and Urban Developmen­t Secretary Julian Castro.

Notwithsta­nding Richardson’s keen observatio­n, the most important question remains: Who can beat Donald Trump? The convention­al wisdom that Biden could is no longer so obvious. On the other hand, Harris showed through her skirmish with the elder statesman that she’s fearless and sharp and won’t back down — presumably whether faced with a bully named Trump, Putin or Kim.

The night is very young, but my best prediction (until next time) would be a Harris-Buttigieg or a Harris-Castro ticket. Either combo would be formidable, smart, fresh, telegenic, classy, well-spoken and — a relief.

Kathleen Parker is syndicated by the Washington Post Writers Group. Her email address is kathleenpa­rker@washpost.com.

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