Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Trump is only person who deserves re-election

- Michael Reagan Making Sense Michael Reagan is syndicated by Cagle Cartoons.

It was a crazy week of controvers­ial presidenti­al tweets, rabid accusation­s of racism by the liberal media and parliament­ary turmoil in the House of Representa­tives, but Democrats worked extra hard each day to prove that they are still deranged.

For instance, a hundred House Democrats defied the wishes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and made fools of themselves by trying — and failing — to pass a resolution to impeach President Trump over allegedly racist comments he made about Democratic Congresswo­men Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Ilhan Omar.

Meanwhile, liberal, moderate and socialist Democrats in Washington were shooting at each other in a circular firing squad that made their party look even more inept, confused and lost.

Pelosi, a lifelong lefty, continued to be upstaged, disrespect­ed and made to seem like a moderate Democrat by AOC and her wrecking crew.

The four rookie representa­tives — who in six months have made it clear they prefer socialism over capitalism, Palestine over Israel and open borders over immigratio­n reform — like to call themselves “progressiv­e women of color.”

But Pelosi has a less exalted opinion of them, especially after their leader, AOC, appeared to play the race card when she hinted the speaker was singling them out for criticism because they were women of color.

Nancy Pelosi is a racist, too? Oh, I forgot. Everyone’s a racist now.

Pelosi retaliated for the socialist foursome’s trouble-making by dubbing them “The Squad” and reminding them that despite the six months of slobbering attention they’ve gotten from the liberal media, they were “only four people.”

President Trump, who has cleverly made AOC and her gang into the politicall­y unattracti­ve face of the Democrat Party for 2020, stirred the pot by calling them out as “hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down.” He’s right.

Of course, everyone on CNN and MSNBC was certain Trump picked on The Squad because of their color, or because they were women, but as usual, they were wrong. But Trump doesn’t care what color or sex The Squad members are.

He picked on them because they keep saying the same stupid socialist stuff, keep stirring up trouble in the media by misreprese­nting conditions at the southern border and keep charging anyone who disagrees with them as being a racist or a bigot.

The president made a rare political mistake by uniting the bickering Democrats with a tweet storm that said House members leveling nonstop criticism at America should first “go back” to “help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

He was predictabl­y called a racist by Democrats and just about everyone with a laptop in the liberal media. But he was right to bash The Squad for their radical views. They are not just dumb, they’re dangerous.

Their presence in Congress reminds me of that famous but unverified quote from Nikita Khrushchev about how the USSR would defeat America: “We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”

Meanwhile, as Democrats in Congress waste time hating and sanctionin­g the president and trashing America as a racist country after it twice elected a black president, I still have an invasion of illegal immigrants on my southern border.

And while I watch Democrats — and Republican­s — in Washington spend another year kicking the health care reform can down the road, I have a son and daughter-in-law in Los Angeles who suddenly had their private health insurance canceled and now must sign up with the state’s system because there’s no competitio­n in California.

Both Republican and Democrats are at fault for our health care and immigratio­n messes. Both parties have recently held total control of Congress and the White House at the same time, yet neither one honestly tried solve the country’s two most important problems.

If they can’t get find the political courage to fix health care or immigratio­n by next fall, we shouldn’t give one member of Congress from either party a single vote.

At this point, the only person I think who deserves to be re-elected in 2020 is the Republican who repeatedly has proved he has the will and the cajones to stand up to the Democrats and the liberal media — Donald Trump.

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