Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Why does Sen. Schumer offer support to Trump?

- Alan Chartock Capitol Connection

Let’s just consider what Donald Trump has done to and for New York. After all, he is a New Yorker and he embodies a lot of ugly stereotype­s. He’s brash, arrogant, vain, pushy, a liar, a cheat, a misogynist, and a racist. And it doesn’t stop there. He brings disgrace to all New Yorkers, not only in this country, but throughout the world. He is seen as a narcissist and a psychopath.

In a city that traces its history to immigrants from around the world, he symbolizes hatred of “the other.” He gives new meaning to the word “selfish.” More and more, he reminds me of Benito Mussolini in a state that has produced Franklin D. Roosevelt and his cousin, Theodore. He has brought shame to his fellow state citizens.

We all know that New Yorkers hate his guts to the point that he would never show his face here for the kind of Nuremberg rallies he has done in other places.

I am truly puzzled by those political New Yorkers who offer him support. I have always thought highly of U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. I still do, but I am concerned when Schumer offers support to Trump because, as spelled out above, Trump is a nogoodnik. He is leading us away from the democratic principles and balanced government enshrined in our constituti­on. Because he is so dangerous, offering words of support for any of his initiative­s, like his trade war with China, is just wrongheade­d.

Yes, China is a dictatorsh­ip. Yes, they have been eating our lunch for years. The problem is that by endorsing Trump’s foray into the trade war with China, the top Democrat in the United States is making this dangerous demagogue appear reasonable. That is irresponsi­ble. Let someone else do it. What we need from Chuck is an in-yourface response to Trump’s perfidy.

I understand that there are reasons to deal with Trump. We just saw a budget deal reached with him, but even there, as we face an election which may be the most crucial ever, we have to fight Trump as if our very democracy depends on it. I get the fact that Speaker Nancy Pelosi knows the danger of an impeachmen­t move on Trump. As we all know, no matter how monstrous Trump is, the cowardly Republican­s in the Senate will never vote to convict him and Trump will claim victory. The good people of this country have had enough. Democratic members of Congress know that the frustratio­n level among their constituen­ts is so great that even the moderates are forced to join the impeachmen­t bandwagon.

Chuck and every other Democratic leader should know that at this time in our history, it is incumbent on them to show real courage and guts. That’s what leadership is about. It is why Joe Biden’s campaign is in so much trouble and why Kamala Harris is so admired.

Even House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler knew that his West Side liberal constituen­ts might have voted for a primary opponent had he not come over to the pro-impeachmen­t side. I sure would have liked to have been the proverbial fly on the wall when he and Pelosi had their conversati­on.

Look, people want Trump to be impeached. Tom Steyer thought he had it made as he spent his considerab­le money threatenin­g Congress into going the impeachmen­t route. I suspect he thought he could ride that to the presidency. He jumped into the campaign, but has hardly caught fire. All this goes to show that the American voter knows a thing or two.

Let’s face it, Trump may we’ll be re-elected. The Democratic candidates are in the circular firing squad. They are selfish and self-serving. If Michelle Obama could be persuaded that it is her duty to run, this country might be saved.

Sunday Freeman columnist Alan Chartock is a professor emeritus at the State University of New York, publisher of the Legislativ­e Gazette and CEO of the WAMC Northeast Public Radio Network. Readers can email him at alan@wamc. org.

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