Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Donald Trump’s Bolton problem Trial in Senate shows the rot in our country

- Jonah Goldberg is syndicated by Tribune Media Services. Jonah Goldberg The National Review

“I’m with the Bush-Cheney team, and I’m here to stop the count.” Those words were bellowed by John Bolton in a Tallahasse­e library in December 2000, when he was part of a team of Republican lawyers trying to stop the Florida recount of votes cast in the presidenti­al race between George W. Bush and Al Gore. Until now, it was the most famous utterance President Trump’s former national security adviser had ever made. That’s about to change with the looming publicatio­n of his book, due out in March, about serving in the Trump administra­tion. It’s even vaguely possible Bolton could make an appearance at Trump’s impeachmen­t trial.

Still, it’s worth considerin­g the irony of Bolton’s earlier words. The Bush-Gore Florida recount wasn’t the beginning of our divided times, but it was a major inflection point. It pushed the internal combustion engine of partisansh­ip into a higher gear, and we’ve never really revved back down. Now, Bolton is in the strange position of not fitting comfortabl­y on either side of the partisan divide.

The gist of Bolton’s story is that the president’s story is not true. According to an account of the book’s contents reported in The New York Times, Bolton heard Trump say he was withholdin­g aid to the Ukrainians pending an investigat­ion into Joe Biden and other Democrats. (One wonders who these other Democrats were.)

The Times story says the book also contradict­s statements about who knew what and when inside the administra­tion, no doubt causing heartburn for acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, Attorney General William Barr, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, off-book fixer Rudy Giuliani and, of course, all of the GOP senators determined to avoid hearing from witnesses in the impeachmen­t trial.

The response from Trump World is predictabl­e. Bolton is a disgruntle­d liar, bitter over being fired and desperate to sell books. I have no doubt Bolton, a former colleague of mine at the American Enterprise Institute, is disgruntle­d. I’m also sure he very much wants to sell books. But I don’t buy the lying part.

Bolton may be many of the things his detractors claim, but he’s also an incredibly adept lawyer and bureaucrat­ic infighter. On different occasions when National Security Council staffers Fiona Hill and Tim Morrison were dismayed by what the president was up to with Ukraine, Bolton’s advice was to “tell the lawyers” (in Morrison’s words). When Hill told Bolton that she’d heard Gordon Sondland — Trump’s EU ambassador and administra­tion point person on the Ukrainian scheme — tell the Ukrainians that he and Mulvaney would arrange a White House meeting in exchange for an investigat­ion of Biden, Bolton replied, “You go and tell [NSC counsel John Eisenberg] that I am not part of whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney are cooking up on this, and you go and tell him what you’ve heard and what I’ve said.”

The notion that Bolton, a legendary note-taker, would volunteer to testify (if subpoenaed) only to perjure himself is absurd. That he would make false allegation­s in a book without contempora­neous corroborat­ion seems far-fetched as well. There’s only one way to know, though: Have Bolton tell his version under oath.

As of this writing, the ink on the official “Destroy Bolton” narrative hasn’t dried yet, but an early contender is the charge that this is all just a replay of the tactics Democrats used to try to derail Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination. Promoting his new podcast, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas tweeted, “Last week we had Lev Parnas on Maddow & ‘secret tapes’; this week, the ‘Bolton revelation­s.’ It’s the same approach Dems & media followed during the Kavanaugh hearing.”

Except it’s not at all. The only thing similar about the two controvers­ies is that new allegation­s kept inconvenie­ncing politician­s who wanted to move on. By that standard, nearly every unfolding Washington scandal is like the Kavanaugh hearings.

Putting aside the hilarity of John “Stop the Count” Bolton being a willing pawn of the Democrats, there were no recorded telephone calls confirming elements of the allegation­s against Kavanaugh. None of the Kavanaugh accusation­s had the sort of corroborat­ion and material evidence already in the public record in the impeachmen­t case. And Trump’s former national security adviser isn’t relying on a decades-old unverifiab­le recollecti­on, but on his memory of events from a few months ago.

The biggest difference between how the Senate handled the Kavanaugh smear campaign and how it’s handling the impeachmen­t case is this: With Kavanaugh, Senate Republican­s bent over backward to hear from witnesses; with Trump, they’ve gone into a defensive crouch to avoid it. And that may not be enough any longer.

Dear Editor: The innocent have nothing to hide. If there is nothing to hide, why wouldn’t President Trump do all in his power to prove his innocence in a fair and open trial in an environmen­t where he has majority support, and why won’t the GOP-controlled Senate allow a real trial?

Unfortunat­ely, the theater that is going on in the Senate demonstrat­es there is a rot in the country — not only because Republican Senators are scuttling any semblance of adherence to the Constituti­on, but because a sizable portion of this country does not know or care about what’s in the Constituti­on and actually supports the GOP’s actions.

This proves we Americans are not much different than the people who paved the way for the heyday of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.

Susan Puretz Saugerties

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