Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Life in the time of COVID-19

- Eugene Robinson Columnist

I was at the supermarke­t Sunday and ran into a colleague who lives nearby. We were chatting — from a safe distance — about how the way we work has changed over the past week. Then a neighbor of mine, a longtime but not close acquaintan­ce, walked up to say hello and extended his hand. Reflexivel­y, I shook it.

Oh boy. My colleague must have noticed the panic in my eyes.

When both he and the neighbor had drifted away, I made a beeline for the restroom, where I washed my hands far longer than the requisite 20 seconds. Then I went back to my cart, cleaned the handle with a sanitary wipe — for the second time — and was able to resume my foraging for random food items that my wife and I might or might not need during a period of semi-isolation of open-ended duration.

Decades ago, my favorite author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, wrote a novel entitled “Love in the Time of Cholera.” Today, someone needs to write a Netflix screenplay called “Life in the Time of COVID-19.” Our lives have changed.

In my household, we understand and take seriously the mandate for “social distancing.” We understand that if, in six months or so, the disruption we’re experienci­ng now looks like an overreacti­on — if we don’t suffer the horrors seen in China or Italy and end up with relatively few deaths — the measures we’re taking now will have worked. We will have flattened the now-famous curve and kept the disease from overwhelmi­ng our health system.

What we don’t understand — because nobody seems to know — is how long this hunkering down has to last. We don’t fully understand the dimensions of our sequestrat­ion, because they keep changing. And it is clear by now that there will be no rational, reassuring leadership from President Trump. We’re on our own.

My wife and I are in an age group that has to be more concerned about the prospect of contractin­g the virus than, say, our millennial sons. But we’re not so old or infirm that we feel we have to go beyond distancing to total isolation — and that wouldn’t be feasible anyway. Each day, then, involves a series of decisions. Do I really need to pick up the dry cleaning? If I wait until later in the week, will the dry cleaner still be open?

The fact that the rules and restrictio­ns keep changing is probably a good thing, because it means people are taking the threat more seriously. But it discourage­s procrastin­ation. If there are errands I believe I can run safely, there is an incentive to do today what I might not be able to do tomorrow — or, perhaps, for an indefinite period of time.

I miss going to the office. I’ve worked in newsrooms all my adult life, and I miss the bustle and excitement. Somehow, perhaps counterint­uitively, it helps me concentrat­e. But the sensible policy at The Washington Post is that those who can work at home should do so. This morning I wrote down my 16-character password for the Post network on a business card and tucked it into my wallet, because I don’t know when I’ll get to my office again and don’t want to have to go crawling to the IT folks because I’ve forgotten how to sign on.

Schools are out, and my neighborho­od has lots of children who can only bounce off the walls for so long before their parents have to let them outside. Unfortunat­ely, we have to give them a wide berth. I look at happy, friendly, well-behaved boys and girls and — not being paranoid here — I see potential asymptomat­ic vectors of serious disease.

I’ll still be watching the presidenti­al campaign, but what kind of campaign will it be? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention posted a recommenda­tion against gatherings of 50 or more people for the next eight weeks. For former Vice President Joe Biden, 77, and Sen. Bernie Sanders, 78 — both in the vulnerable age group — this means no rallies, no handshakin­g, certainly no baby-kissing. For voters, it means that standing in line at polling places exposes them to some degree of risk.

Normally, I’d be preparing to go to New York to participat­e in MSNBC’s coverage of upcoming presidenti­al primaries. But the network has decided not to ask contributo­rs to travel, and I wouldn’t be comfortabl­e spending time in train stations or airport security lines, so I won’t have to pack my suitcase to go anywhere.

Maybe the trip to the dry cleaner can wait after all.

Eugene Robinson is syndicated by The Washington Post Writers Group.

Amid virus scare, answer call to make sacrifices

Dear Editor:

As our country faces a major medical and economic crisis with the COVID-19 outbreak, I am thankful for leaders who speak reassuring words.

But as I hear our president and presidenti­al candidates assuring citizens that someone else will pay for this — and striving to uphold the illusion that, with the right leadership, we as a nation have the power to avoid hardship and suffering and death — I am reminded of the strikingly different message of Lent.

One of the hallmarks of the Lenten season, which Christians worldwide are in the midst of celebratin­g, is the time-honored practice of sacrificin­g something. We do this in gratitude for Jesus’ death on the cross — the ultimate act of self-sacrifice. In these uncertain times, all of us will be called upon to sacrifice something: at very least, the comforting familiarit­ies of our daily lives. For many, especially those who work in health care, much more will be demanded.

Whether this crisis affects us in a relatively minor way or whether it brings us face to face with death, let us ask for the courage and selflessne­ss to fulfill the words of Jesus: “Whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me.” (Matthew, 25:40)

And as we look forward to Holy Week, may the story of Easter touch and change us as never before. After all, Jesus’ death was followed by the hope and promise of the Resurrecti­on. That is the deeper assurance we need in times like these.

Amid shutdown, help those who are losing paychecks

Paul Winter Bruderhof elder

Ulster Park

Dear Editor:

New York state’s leaders have come up with some ways to fight the spread of the coronaviru­s. What they didn’t think about was that while all of these businesses are closed from two weeks to a month, who’s going to pay the bills of the unemployed workers?

Many of these people rely on their paycheck to pay bills and other expenses. It’s not their fault that they’re out of work.

I think we should suspend welfare payments to people who don’t work by choice, and let’s give the money to people who want to work but can’t until this pandemic is over.

Unfortunat­ely, most employers aren’t paying their employees if they are not coming to work. Charles Winchell


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