Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Virus response depends on state, local officials


Dear Editor:

A lot of misinforme­d people seem to be harping on President Trump during this COVID 19 crisis.

One should think about states’ rights. It is each state’s choice to do certain things. In a lot of ways, they have more power than the federal government.

Sadly, state and local officials are too busy lining their pockets with money, favors or simple misguided idiocy to realize they are elected to serve their constituen­ts. Other towns, cities, counties, states and even countries should always take a back seat to the areas and people who elected them.

In that simple respect, our local officials should have used the powers they were given by the people — the grants, money and powers from the states, the feds and their agencies — and simply done their duty to those in our areas by being prepared. Not that they shouldn’t help neighborin­g towns, counties, states, etc., if able, but not at the expense of serving the communitie­s they are elected in until such time as our house is in order.

Trump is not your local official. The federal government is not the piggy bank or warehouse. Both are simply figurehead­s bestowed with powers to cover most jurisdicti­ons in this country, not yours alone.

Blame your local, county and state officials first — those same people who are more concerned with going against federal agencies, or banning plastic bags, than serving you and being prepared for this.

Michael Martin Kingston

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