Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Woodward owed public to speak out sooner

- Kathleen Parker is syndicated by the Washington Post Writers Group. Her email address is kathleenpa­rker@washpost.com. Kathleen Parker Columnist

Kathleen Parker takes issue with Bob Woodward not revealing what President Trump said about the coronaviru­s sooner.

Though they might not admit it, journalist­s who began their careers in the wake of Watergate often ask themselves: What would Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein do?

Today, that question is more focused: What would I do if I were Bob Woodward?

Thanks to taped recordings of interviews Woodward conducted with the president in preparatio­n for his latest book, “Rage,” the world has learned that President Donald Trump was well aware of the coronaviru­s’s lethality and its method of transmissi­on as early as February.

It is also clear that the legendary reporter sat on that story until the week before his book was published.

Trump’s remarks, now exhaustive­ly replayed, confirm that he knew — as, presumably, did others in his administra­tion — that the novel coronaviru­s was an airborne infectious disease and that it was far more lethal than the regular flu.

Neverthele­ss, over several weeks and months, as the virus progressed across the United States, the president continued to downplay concerns about the virus in public, saying it was no worse than the regular flu, and failing to create a plan to contain the virus.

“Downplay” is an essential word in the context of the Woodward interviews. In one recording from March,Trump admitted to downplayin­g the virus — and wanted to continue downplayin­g it — because he didn’t want people to panic.

Today, this is the crux of a dilemma for both Trump and Woodward. Are they guilty in different ways of contributi­ng to about 190,000 American deaths through a conspiracy of silence? Trump may well have wished to avoid a national panic in the early stages of the pandemic, but his silence signals an underlying distrust of his fellow countrymen. Our history is filled with examples of Americans rallying to a cause, no matter how frightenin­g. One can’t help wondering how many lives might have been spared with a strong dose of truth and the nobility of purpose of which we’re capable as a nation.

One also wonders whether Woodward, by withholdin­g news of the president’s withholdin­g, may have added to COVID-19’s punch. At the very least, public knowledge of what the president knew but would not say might have forced Trump and others to act on reality rather than some imaginary scenario in which COVID-19 would just disappear one day, as Trump once said with a wand-like wave of his hand.

It would be unfair to suggest, as some have, that the two men are equally at fault. One is the president and took an oath to faithfully execute his duties. But, in an interview about his reporting process with The Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan, Woodward’s explanatio­n for waiting because he knew his book would be published before the election falls short of satisfying. Woodward also told Sullivan that in February he wasn’t yet sure Trump was telling the truth — always a valid concern.

It is good to remember that this is not just any reporter. This is Bob Woodward — the man who met “Deep Throat” in parking garages and knocked on people’s doors in the middle of the night for clues to the Watergate burglary. Remember the operative question: What did the president know, and when did he know it? Normally, what a president says he knows is news; with Trump, that linkage has never been reliable.

Woodward pointed out to Sullivan that he’s no longer a daily reporter but an author. This means that he has ultimate authority over his research. Although no longer technicall­y employed by The Post, he maintains an honorary associate editor title. Which is to say, no one wants to criticize an icon who brought fame to the paper for which we proudly toil. Trump, never lacking in self-confidence, really believed that talking to Woodward, often without staff present, would make the book more positive. Many of the conversati­ons reportedly took place at night by phone when Trump thought of something he thought Woodward might like to hear.

What would you or I have done, if we were Woodward?

I do know that I would have sought the counsel of my newspaper editors, which Woodward no longer has. Sometimes, being the captain of one’s own ship is a windward propositio­n. It seems clear now that revealing the president’s calculated deceptions sooner might have forced Trump to act earlier and led more Americans to take greater precaution­s.

Given that, I think I know what many editors would have advised him: Publish lest others perish.

It is good to remember that this is not just any reporter. This is Bob Woodward — the man who met “Deep Throat” in parking garages and knocked on people’s doors in the middle of the night for clues to the Watergate burglary.

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