Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Too much amnesia, evasion and denial

- EJ Dionne E.J. Dionne is syndicated by The Washington Post Writers Group.

Columnist E.J. Dionne says Republican­s must acknowledg­e Trump’s election defeat and his role in the Capitol siege.

Two things are essential for our nation: We must move beyond the vicious, mendacious and anti-democratic presidency of Donald Trump. And Republican­s must recognize both the fact of his electoral defeat and his role in inspiring insurrecti­on against our nation’s system of free government.

This is why Democrats in the House were right to force the issue of impeachmen­t after Trump’s instigatio­n of an attack on the nation’s Capitol, and the democratic process itself, the extreme violence of which becomes ever clearer as more video from the assault emerges. The impeachmen­t measure passed 232197, with 10 Republican­s joining all Democrats.

Underlying the impeachmen­t debate was a struggle over what steps are required to bring the nation together.

The solutions endorsed by most Republican­s? Amnesia, evasion and denial.

Amnesia about their own party’s role in encouragin­g Trump for four years. Evasion of the party’s complicity in advancing Trump’s dangerous falsehood that President-elect Joe Biden stole an election that the Democrat won decisively. And denial of their own responsibi­lity, outlined eloquently by Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, during the debate over Electoral College votes, to tell their own supporters the truth about the election’s outcome, and about Trump himself.

There is a school of thought — it has subscriber­s beyond the Republican duck-and-cover crowd — that impeaching Trump would get in the way of Biden’s effort to launch his presidency in a brisk and unifying way.

Republican­s latched onto this argument Wednesday. In opposing impeachmen­t, few of them tried to defend Trump. They just sought excuses to vote with him one last time. Thus, many who last week were willing to rip the nation apart by voting to challenge Biden’s victory were suddenly apostles of St. Francis of Assisi. Warm togetherne­ss, they insisted, was their only purpose.

“Let us look forward, not backward,” Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., said on the House floor during the debate. “Let us come together, not apart. Let us celebrate the peaceful transition of power to a new president, rather than impeaching an old president.”

That sounds lovely until you recognize a hard lesson from history: After a deeply divisive struggle, there can be no durable unity if one side continues to propagate myths, if those who have ripped a nation apart refuse to acknowledg­e their role in deepening its schisms, if crimes committed are swept under a rug woven from the threads of politicall­y convenient forgetfuln­ess.

The effort to create a new order of racial justice in the South after the Civil War was thwarted for nearly a century because of myths spun by Confederat­es who cast a war for slavery as a noble lost cause and Reconstruc­tion, an effort to democratiz­e an unjust society, as oppressive. The Weimar Republic, Germany’s noble democratic experiment, failed because large parts of the country’s political elite refused to acknowledg­e its own failures in World War I and never accepted the new regime.

In our time, the United

States will move forward only if Trump’s radical attacks on democracy itself are recognized and condemned, only if his false claims are repudiated by his own party, only if every form of false equivalenc­e aimed at diminishin­g or relativizi­ng Trump’s shameful behavior is thoroughly and completely discredite­d.

It fell to a brave Republican, Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, to offer her party a better path. Her eloquent case for impeachmen­t on Tuesday was cited again and again by Democrats.

“The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack,” Cheney wrote. “Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constituti­on.”

Thus did the No. 3 House Republican stand up even as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., one of Trump’s most servile defenders, urged the House to “resist the temptation­s of further polarizati­on.” But guess what? It took this fight and this outrage to get McCarthy, finally, to acknowledg­e that Biden won the election legitimate­ly.

The polarizers only oppose polarizati­on when their bluff is being called.

“You know,” said Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., “what happened would never have happened if everybody stood up in unity and called out the president when he was not telling the American people the truth, when he was pushing a big lie. We will never have unity without truth, and also without accountabi­lity.”

Last Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Sen. Chris Coons, DDel., who is one of the most conciliato­ry members of either party, spoke as the Divinity School student he was once was. “There can only be reconcilia­tion,” he said, “with repentance.” And as McGovern suggested, the road to repentance will be paved by truth and accountabi­lity. We can be thankful that the 10 House Republican­s who voted for impeachmen­t took the first steps.

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