Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Ditching the cheating boyfriend

- Annie Lane

DEAR ANNIE » My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 years. Everything was good until three years ago when a woman contacted me to tell me that she’d been seeing him. She apologized to me for it. After we got off the phone, I found her on Facebook and realized that they’d been “liking” each other’s posts for years. She even posted a photo of them together, and someone had commented making a sexual joke about them. They’d both replied and laughed.

So, I confronted my boyfriend, and he stopped — or so I thought. Then, six months ago, I found charges on his credit card statement for some local hotel! I confronted him, and he brushed it off, said it hadn’t been him.

We have smart security cameras at our front and back door, and ever since I confronted him about the middle-of-the-night hotel charges, he’s disabled my ability to access the camera feeds from my phone. But I can always tell when he’s with her because he won’t answer his phone. (Otherwise, he always answers his phone.) I just hate the thought that the last 10 years were for nothing.

— Had It Up to Here

DEAR HIUTH » Make decisions based on your future, not on your past.

You’re caught up in the sunk cost fallacy — continuing your current relationsh­ip just because you’ve already spent so much time in it and don’t want it to have been a waste. The thing is, it wasn’t really a waste. Consider the good moments you’ve had, even with your boyfriend. Consider the tough, character-building moments, too. It’s all added up to a meaningful period of growth and lessons you can take into the next decade — after leaving this lecher in the last. Which you must do, pronto.,

DEAR ANNIE » In response to “In a Quagmire,” the gentleman who had difficulty using a computer: Computers confound me to no end. I enjoy my games and texting on my phone. I tweet a bit. But when it comes to any task where I’m expected to have the least amount of computer skills, it’s incredibly frustratin­g — as frustratin­g as not being able to get a “real” person on the phone to help me. I graduated high school summa cum laude but that has no influence on my computer skill, and “In A Quagmire” needn’t question his smarts. I just accept it as a place where I need help. Selfprofes­sed computer geeks are usually willing to step in and help. And in this day and age, if you have a child, grandchild, niece or nephew, they’re often able to help.

— J. Mac

DEAR J. MAC » I heard lots of sympatheti­c feedback for “Quagmire,” including the following practical tip for adults who have struggled to get the hang of computers despite years of trying and lessons.

DEAR ANNIE » To “In a Quagmire,” his problem might be that he’s being taught by people who are not dyslexic! It takes one to teach one. We come at things differentl­y. I’m about his age and also graduated from college with honors. And I’m dyslexic. I managed to somewhat teach myself to use a computer. The other people who had attempted to teach me to use one — my husband, my techie son and others — didn’t “see” things the way I did. However, beyond finding an instructor with dyslexia, my solution is: Get an iPad or other tablet. Anybody can use an app, even small children. Now I’m a wiz and even teach my husband how to do it! And I just pretend that I only use an iPad because it’s a far superior device — ha!

DEAR A.F. » I’m happy to share your practical tip for “In a Quagmire.” If anyone else has suggestion­s, I’ll print them here, too.

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