Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Plastics manufactur­ers shift burden to consumers


Dear Editor,

If you’re feeling guilty about not being able to get rid of your plastic containers, that is exactly what you are supposed to feel. The plastics manufactur­ers have put the burden of guilt on the innocent consumer rather than on themselves. It’s another one of those advertisin­g ploys that is working particular­ly well.

There is no need to feel guilty. What we should be feeling is angry, and demand that our products not be packaged in this lethal abominatio­n to ourselves and the planet. Perhaps I am wrong, but I think plastic is made from petroleum, the same substance we use in our cars. Someone is making an awful lot of money, putting us all at risk, and most beautiful of all in their scheme of things, blaming it all on us.

Nice little trick. Please don’t get sucked into their marketing plan. I now go out of my way to buy milk at Stewart’s, the only place that still uses the old cardboard containers. The most frustratin­g thing in winter is having to buy butter lettuce in a ridiculous plastic container.

They ought to be ashamed. But why would they be, when consumers are happily taking all the blame?

This is not a recycling problem. This is a plastic industry problem, and we as consumers need to fight to get rid of that industry. Remember Dustin Hoffman in his first movie, “The Graduate,” when it is suggested he go into “plastics” as a career? In 1967, the word “plastics” was nothing but a big joke. Now the joke is on us. Roberta Seligman Rhinebeck, N.Y.

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