Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Only Dems take sexual assault seriously

- Bill Press is syndicated by Tribune Content Agency. His email address is bill@billpress.com.

Bill Press: Nobody feels sorry for Andrew Cuomo, and nobody defends him. We knew the final report would be bad.

Nobody feels sorry for Andrew Cuomo, and nobody defends him. We knew the final report into allegation­s of sexual assault against him would be bad.

We didn’t know it’d be such a disaster: explicit details of sexual harassment and assault against 11 women over several years. Given that documented barrage of unacceptab­le and, most likely, illegal behavior, there’s no way Cuomo can continue as governor. He should resign immediatel­y — or become only the second governor in New York’s history to be impeached.

But notice the chorus of voices demanding the Democratic governor’s resignatio­n: New York attorney general, Democrat Tish James; speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi; Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, Democrat Chuck Schumer; every Democratic member of the New York congressio­nal delegation; and president of the United States, Democrat Joe Biden.

What a contrast with the way Republican­s handle accusation­s of sexual assault. The difference is clear: Democrats take sexual assault seriously; Republican­s do not. Democrats are quick to condemn the actions of one of their own; Republican­s are quick to defend their own. Democrats cast sexual predators out. Republican­s elevate them to the highest levels of government: the Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Oval Office itself.

Consider Florida Congressma­n Matt Gaetz. He’s under criminal investigat­ion by the Justice Department for alleged sex traffickin­g, recruiting women online and offering them lavish gifts in exchange for sex, including sex with a 17-year-old girl. His associate Joel Greenberg has already pleaded guilty to the same charges and is reportedly cooperatin­g with authoritie­s in the Gaetz investigat­ion.

Sex traffickin­g. Lavish gifts for sex. Sex with a minor. Serious stuff. But have you heard any leading Republican demand that Matt Gaetz resign? No way. Instead, he’s out there with GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy’s blessing, holding frequent news conference­s, as one of the most outspoken Members of Congress downplayin­g the insurrecti­on of January 6 and defending terrorists who attacked the Capitol as “patriots.”

How about Ohio Congressma­n Jim Jordan? According to USports, eight members of the Ohio State University wrestling team in the ’80s have reported that they informed Jordan, then an assistant coach at OSU, of sexual abuse by team physician Richard Strauss — but that Jordan

did nothing about it. It’s the same charge of cover-up that brought down Penn State’s legendary Joe Paterno.

But Jordan’s still riding high. As ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Jordan’s one of the most powerful Republican­s in Congress. Donald Trump awarded him the Presidenti­al Medal of Freedom. And Leader McCarthy tried to make him a member of the Select Committee on January 6.

And we’ll never forget the way Republican­s rallied behind Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Shortly after his nomination, Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault, later telling the Senate Judiciary Committee how a drunken young Kavanaugh had pinned her down on a bed, groped her, and tried to remove her clothes at a high school party. Two other women came forward with similar complaints of sexual assault.

In response, the FBI spent one week in a perfunctor­y investigat­ion of the charges, during which they later admitted receiving over 4,500 tips, which they dutifully relayed to the Trump White House, Kavanaugh’s principal backer! After receiving the FBI’s non-conclusive report, the Senate confirmed Kavanaugh 50-48. Every Republican senator (and one Democrat, Joe Manchin) voted to confirm him.

The worst case is the Republican Party’s embrace of serial sexual predator Donald Trump. Let’s not forget. Donald Trump was accused of far worse crimes than Andrew Cuomo — and by twice as many women. On the “Access Hollywood” tape, Trump even bragged about assaulting women, insisting he could get away with grabbing their private parts because he was a celebrity. And it’s not over. To this day, two different sexual abuse lawsuits against Trump, filed by E. Jean Carroll and Summer Zervos, are still underway in New York courts.

And yet, rather than reject sexual predator Trump, Republican­s accepted his behavior, nominated him for president, defended him for four years, and now even want him to run for re-election. They make a mockery of the entire #MeToo movement.

Of course, Republican­s talk a good game. They’re quick to condemn every allegation of sexual assault — as long as it’s directed against a Democrat. But on this issue of such paramount importance, the respectful treatment of women, Republican­s have zero credibilit­y — until they stop putting their own predators on a pedestal.

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