Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Credit card security

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 782795000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email Heloise@Heloise.com.

DEAR HELOISE » I just read your column on credit card security. Another step can be taken that is great. Go to your bank’s app on your phone. Then look for “alerts.” Set up an alert for anytime your card is used (a good amount to specify is .01 cents). Once it’s set up, you’ll get a text within 60 to 90 seconds that your card has been used.

If you have not used it, you can contact your bank immediatel­y to prevent further compromise­d usage. — Kay in Michigan

Credit card charges

DEAR HELOISE » You say to check your credit card statement for any inappropri­ate charges. Better yet, check your credit card charges online every few days before you even get your statement. Report any fraudulent transactio­ns. I read your column in the Houston Chronicle. — Patricia Roberts, Bellaire, Texas

Black coffee spilled on white carpet

DEAR HELOISE » My husband spilled quite a bit of black coffee on our almost white carpet. I blotted it right away and then again with water. Next, I used a commercial foolproof product, but nothing worked. We were left with a dark brown stain for a couple of days. Then I remembered vinegar. I poured it on the stain, stepped on a towel, and it took almost all the remaining stain out. Good old vinegar!

— Dorothy Lambert, Fullerton, California

Cleaning your new iphone

DEAR READERS » If you received an iPhone as a gift over the holidays, it’s important to know how to take care of it, including how to safely clean your new phone.

According to Apple, here’s what to do. First, unplug the phone if it’s charging and turn it off. Use a soft, lightly dampened, lint-free cloth to clean the surface. (Never use any cleaning products that contain bleach or hydrogen peroxide.) You can use a disinfecta­nt wipe to gently clean the exterior of the phone. Avoid getting moisture in openings. Never submerge your iPhone in any cleaning agents.

Cold feet

DEAR HELOISE » I have cold feet, so when I am going out, I heat my shoes with my hair dryer. It only takes a few seconds to heat up. — Bonnie Waterhouse, Burbank, California —Heloise

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