Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Adult kids can’t come home


DEAR HELOISE >> Here are some options in response to the person who wrote in about the “Bank of Mom and Dad.” Tell them: “My mom and dad never had money to loan me. Your mom and dad don’t either.”

If the money you would give them comes from your retirement account or from taking out a loan, tell them: “If I were to give you that money, I’d have to take out a loan to get it.” Or, maybe, you don’t have the income to pay off a loan. Tell them this.

I’ve had friends who have downsized so they have no room for an adult kid to move home. But, I prefer telling them: “We’ve earned our retirement time by saving throughout our lives. We love having you visit, but our home is not a bed and breakfast.”

— A Reader

Sharing calendars

DEAR HELOISE >> This time of year many organizati­ons we donate to send out calendars for the coming new year. Our family only needs one or two. Several years ago, it dawned on me that people at employment centers might find them useful. And, they did. There are many groups (classrooms, nonprofits helping people get on their feet, etc.) that would love to have such a resource available for their clients. Let’s help them.

— Elsa in Little Rock, Arkansas

Picking ripe melons

DEAR HELOISE >> I love summer melons, but often had trouble picking ripe, sweet ones. After talking to produce clerks and reading articles in the newspaper’s food section, I have finally found ways to ensure my picks are really good melons.

For cantaloupe­s, on the end where the stem is cut, smell the cut end for sweetness. If the melons sweet smell is strong, it’s a good one. If the scent is faint or non-existent, keep looking for a better melon with a strong, sweet smell.

For watermelon, most watermelon­s have a white area on one side. This is where they lay on the ground in the field. Look for a melon that has a large white area, as that indicates the melon was left in the field for a longer time to ripen. If the white area is small, the melon may not be ripe or sweet, so make sure the white area is very large.

I have used these hints for several years and have had nearly 100% success in picking good, ripe and sweet melons.

— Thomas Lawson, Long Beach,


Old coffee cans

DEAR HELOISE >> I save and give my empty coffee cans to my nephew. He owns a farm and uses the cans for storage or to separate nuts, bolts and other small tools for use on his farm. Containers are then marked with what they have inside. Thanks!

— S. Whittingto­n, Starkville,


Recycling newspaper bags

DEAR HELOISE >> Several times, I have seen people talk about reusing newspaper bags. They can be recycled, but not in the curbside bin. There are a couple of supermarke­ts in my area that have bins by the entrance specifical­ly for plastic bags. Thanks for all your hints.

— Gene Idol, Dayton, Ohio

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