Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

At 103, Sister Jean publishes memoir of faith and basketball


CHICAGO (AP) >> At age 103, Sister Jean awakes daily at 5 a.m. She sits up quickly to avoid going to sleep again — “I’ve got too much to do,” she says. After prayers for the day ahead, she reads the Gospel on her tablet.

“I guess there aren’t too many 103-year-old nuns using iPads these days – there aren’t too many 103-yearolds, period,” she writes in her memoir that will be published Feb. 28. “But I’m pretty comfortabl­e with modern technology. I’ve always said, ‘If you’re not moving forward, you’re going to get left behind real quick.’ Adaptabili­ty is my superpower.”

In “Wake Up with Purpose: What I’ve Learned in My First Hundred Years,” Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt tells her life story, offers spiritual guidance and shares some of the lessons she’s learned.

The beloved Catholic nun captured the sports world’s imaginatio­n and became something of a folk hero as the chaplain for the Loyola Chicago men’s basketball team that reached the NCAA Final Four in 2018.

She has been featured by newspapers and TV stations across America. Her NCAA news conference, she was told, had more journalist­s than Tom Brady drew at the Super Bowl. Her likeness appears on socks, bobblehead­s, even a Lego statue at her gallery in Loyola’s art museum. She sees the attention as a holy opportunit­y to tell her story and share what she’s learned; to help others wake up with purpose. Among her priorities, there’s little that she enjoys more than talking with young people.

“I love life so much and enjoy being with young people,” she told The Associated Press. “They’re the ones who keep me going because they bring such joy into my life -- and they keep you updated on what’s happening in their world.”

She arrived in a wheelchair for the interview at her office in the university’s student center. She wore purple Nike Air Max sneakers with the words “Sister” and “Jean” written on the back, and her maroon and gold Loyola scarf that often gets compared to Harry Potter’s. She smiled warmly and waved to prospectiv­e students and shook hands with current students, asking them about their classes.

“What’s your dream?” she asked some of them.

Samuel Grebener, a 19-year-old freshman, told her he was thinking about medical school. They then talked about their shared love for the Loyola Ramblers. “She knows more about basketball than me,” Grebener said.

It was 9 a.m. and by then, she had already written her usual scouting report and emailed the players on the team to congratula­te them on a victory.

“I believe this was a turning point and that we’re now in a winning streak” she wrote. “Our next game will be challengin­g, but just keep working hard. I will be there in prayer and in spirit and bless your hands virtually.”

In her office — surrounded by bobblehead­s, posters and pins with her image — she studied game stats carefully in preparatio­n to meet with the team at practice. Before a pizza lunch at the nearby cafeteria, she met other students.

Catharina Baeten, a 20-year-old-junior, told Sister Jean she had decided to attend Loyola because of its excellent programs in psychology and women-andgender studies. “And also because of you,” she told the nun.

“Everyone loves Sister Jean,” Baeten said later, recalling that she first met the nun during a tour of Loyola when she was in high school. “There’s not a single unkind bone in her body and she represents our values… she’s the embodiment of compassion.”

Born in San Francisco in 1919, Sister Jean grew up in a devoutly Catholic family. She witnessed the impact of the Great Depression, World War II and the building of the Golden Gate Bridge, which she recalls crossing on foot when it opened in 1937.

Her religious calling, she said, came at the age of 8. She was in third grade when she met a kind, joyful teacher who belonged to the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Brimming with admiration, she would pray every day: “Dear God, help me understand what I should do, but please tell me I should become a BVM sister,” she recounts in her memoir, cowritten with sportswrit­er/ broadcaste­r Seth Davis.

“I guess God listened to me on that one,” she writes.

She followed her calling to the order’s motherhous­e in Dubuque, Iowa, where she made her vows. She went on to teach at Catholic schools in Chicago and southern California, where she also coached girls’ basketball, before she ended at Mundelein College — on the Chicago lakefront —in the 1960s. The school became affiliated with Loyola in 1991, and Sister Jean was hired to help students with the transition.

In 1994, she was asked to help student basketball players boost their grades – “the booster shooter” she called herself, and later that year she was named chaplain of the men’s basketball team. The role, she writes in her memoir, became “the most transforma­tional and transcende­nt position” of her life.

 ?? AP PHOTO/JESSIE WARDARSKI ?? Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt, the Loyola University men’s basketball chaplain and school celebrity, sits for a portrait in The Joseph J. Gentile Arena, on Monday, Jan. 23, 2023, in Chicago.
AP PHOTO/JESSIE WARDARSKI Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt, the Loyola University men’s basketball chaplain and school celebrity, sits for a portrait in The Joseph J. Gentile Arena, on Monday, Jan. 23, 2023, in Chicago.

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