Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

We don’t need to mandate ‘trigger warnings’

- Elwood Watson Elwood Watson is a professor of history, Black studies, and gender and sexuality studies at East Tennessee State University. He is also an author and public speaker. His column is syndicated by Cagle Cartoons.

Amen to Cornell University president Martha Pollack and Provost Michael Kotlikoff for rejecting to ratify a proposal introduced by the student senate to mandate trigger warnings into syllabi and course content.

In a statement, Pollack and Kotlikoff said such a mandate “would infringe on our core commitment to academic freedom and freedom of inquiry, and are at odds with the goals of a Cornell education.”

Over the past decade, trigger warnings have been a topic that has dominated academic discourse. The term has become a major buzzword in academia as well as in many institutio­ns outside of higher education.

Supporters of the policy argue that it provides certain students who are not as emotionall­y impervious as their peers the opportunit­y to be forewarned of material they may find psychologi­cally hazardous to their mental well-being. Detractors see such an issue as a real danger to free speech and a severe encroachme­nt upon academic freedom. Count me as a member of the latter category.

It appears we are witnessing a generation of kids who have grown up in an environmen­t where many things are handled for them. Many are under the assumption they are entitled to choose from a smorgasbor­d of options and appear to have been indoctrina­ted with an “everyone wins” attitude.

In their largely scripted and insular worlds, professors are supposed to solely relegate their pedagogy to delivering safe and conflict-free lectures.

The degree of emotional fragility among some young people is troubling. It is a sad, if not an outright disturbing sight to witness.

I make it clear to my students during the first class of every semester they are no longer in high school. They have arrived on a college campus, they are now adults (a few are still legally minors), that life is not multiple choice though it can be somewhat true and false (which always gets a few laughs). Moreover, I inform them that none of us are going to be totally comfortabl­e with everything we encounter or hear, and that as human beings we must be expected to acclimate to various situations and environmen­ts. Occasional­ly taking people out of their comfort zones can be a positive thing.

Trigger warnings are potentiall­y dangerous tools in that they can be employed and weaponized by people with various political and social agendas who wish to stifle debate or viewpoints that they are at odds with. Mandating such warnings would be a regressive and reactionar­y policy that could have a chilling — if not outright nullifying — effect on academic freedom.

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