Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Worst columnists in the business


Of the three opinion pieces in the Tuesday, Jan

30, edition of the Freeman, two are by a pair of the worst columnists in the business: Cal Thomas and Michael Reagan.

Reagan’s formula is to label any Democrat as weak and corrupt (no facts provided) and then crow about what a great leader his father, Ronald Reagan, was. Today’s Republican Party bears no resemblanc­e whatsoever to the party of the 1980s. He indirectly associates President Reagan and Trump as great, wise leaders. Yikes!

Thomas’ formula is to start every column with a basic untruth and then base his essay on that untruth as though we all accept it. The first sentence of his column says: “President Biden offered a deal on the border to congressio­nal Republican­s that they could refuse. To their credit, they did.” No. A bipartisan group of senators, led by Republican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, created a proposal that contains just about everything Republican­s have been screaming for regarding border issues. Thomas ignores that truth and that Republican­s are blocking its passage. Biden’s role is to encourage Congress to send him something!

Thomas then goes on to blather about the current border crisis as something that President Biden created— as if the fact that nothing of substance has been done about immigratio­n in the past 30 years weren’t the case.

Surely the Freeman can do better. Conservati­ve columnists Jonah Goldberg and George Will write cogent and thoughtful columns. Reagan and Thomas do not. — Jim Sullivan

— Rosendale

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