Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

US workers lose ground again

- Joe Guzzardi’s column is distribute­d by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Contact him at jguzzardi@pfirdc.org.

The monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics report should be called the original “fake news.”

Each month, the District of Columbia’s anonymous civil servants grind out much-anticipate­d jobs data that Wall Street and financial journalist­s latch onto as the nation’s financial health indicators. Market analysts tout the monthly data to reaffirm their existing economic beliefs, be they good or bad. The first Bureau of Labor Statistics commission­er, Carroll D. Wright, described the agency’s mandate as “the fearless publicatio­n of the facts.” Its website claims that “Just the Facts” is a core value. When asked, “Is the glass half empty or half full?” the Bureau responds elusively that it sees an eightounce glass containing four ounces.

Such is the case with the January 2024 report which announced that the economy added 353,000 jobs.

A few years ago, a critic called the labor report “the big lie” because among its other flaws the original monthly data was subject to revisions, often significan­t. These late changes concern Federal Reserve officials. ‘We must make decisions in real time,” Federal Reserve Board of Governors member Christophe­r Waller said late last year. “Whatever data is released, that’s the data I have to use. The problem with data is it gets revised.”

Revisions, which can come more than months after initial reports are published, wouldn’t necessaril­y be so much of an issue if they were relatively small. However, many revisions over the past few years have been game-changers.

January’s report could trigger history’s biggest game-changing revision. Zero Hedge, which lists as one of its manifestos, “to skepticall­y examine and, where necessary, attack the flaccid institutio­n that financial journalism has become” mocked the January release as a “clown show,” and as the election season heats up, fulfilling its mandate from the White House “to make the economy look double super good-good.” And, speaking of revisions, Zero Hedge noted that in January, the bureau conducted its “annual re-benchmarki­ng and update of seasonal adjustment factors.” The bottom line — what was until December a decline in jobs has now been miraculous­ly transforme­d into gains.

The glowing report ignored the following layoffs as a total percentage of their workforce: Twitch, 35%; Hasbro, 20%; Spotify, 17%; Levi’s, 15%; Xerox,

15%; Qualtrics, 14%; Wayfair: 13%; Duolingo, 10%; Washington Post,

10%; eBay, 9%; Business Insider, 8%; PayPal, 7% Charles Schwab, 6%; UPS, 2%; Blackrock, 3%; iRobot, 31%; Citigroup, 20,000 employees; and Pixar, 1,300 employees. This month, nearly all Sports Illustrate­d staffers received layoff notices from the Arena Group, devastatin­g the 70-year-old magazine that once set the standard for sports journalism. Most staff received 90-day notices, but many were immediatel­y laid off.

More inconvenie­nt truths Zero Hedge exposed: The bureau reported that in January 2024, the U.S. had 133.1 million full-time jobs and 27.9 million part-time jobs. The totals may sound good but look back one year to find that in February 2023, the U.S. had 133.2 million full-time jobs, slightly more than the economy did one year later. Predictabl­y, the job growth is in low-paying, part-time jobs, which have increased by 870,000 since February 2023 from 27.02 million to 27.89 million.

The mainstream media, which had 20,000 job losses in 2023 across broadcast, digital and print industries with more recent media layoffs that include CBC, Vice Media and others, mostly ignored the most important fact buried in January’s report — the number of native-born workers tumbled again, sliding by a massive 560,000 to just 129.8 million. Add to this the December data, and a near-record 1.9 million plunge in native-born workers has occurred in the past two months.

Not only has all job creation in the past four years gone exclusivel­y to foreign-born workers, but since July 2018 there has been zero job creation for native-born workers.

With the illegal alien invasion poised to continue throughout the remainder of Biden’s first term — eleven months — and legal permanent residents added at one million-plus annually, the labor market will expand by about two million foreign-born workers each year. The Biden administra­tion has unlawfully given about one million aliens parole, an immigratio­n status that includes work permission.

Foreign-born workers displacing Americans is an ongoing and accelerati­ng tragedy that President Biden willfully imposed on citizens. Biden’s malfeasanc­e should provide talking points for the White House and congressio­nal candidates that seek to remove officehold­ers who support the status quo.

 ?? ?? Joe Guzzardi
Joe Guzzardi

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