Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Full of falsehoods and twisted logic


Michael Reagan’s opinion piece in the Feb. 4 edition of the Daily Freeman, “It’s All Trump’s Fault, Right?” is so full of falsehoods and twisted logic, it has no business being in a mainstream newspaper.

The liberal media does not “cheer on the rioters,” as Reagan writes — rather, it’s members of the Republican Party who are complicit in excusing the Jan. 6 rioters — nor does Taylor Swift, as Reagan states, belong in the category of “somebody in power” who would prevent Trump from owning an NFL franchise, an insinuatio­n playing right into far-right conspiracy theories about the entertaine­r.

Reagan’s suppositio­ns about how the left would prevent such a hypothetic­al acquisitio­n by Trump is predicated on sheer “Trump hatred” and ignores the legitimate objective concerns connected with the former president, including most obviously the multiple court cases Trump faces, including at the highest levels of the Department of Justice.

He ignores Trump’s egregious threats to judges, members of the jury, anyone who opposes him and the fact that the most incriminat­ing witnesses in some of the cases in which Trump is accused of breaking the law are Republican­s and former Trump supporters. But what’s really unacceptab­le is Reagan’s characteri­stic of President Biden as “our confirmed pretend president.”

That’s an outright lie playing right into Trump’s tiresome false claim that the last election was stolen. Furthermor­e, it is not the Democratic party that “says our election results have become untrustwor­thy,” but Trump and his supporters! A complete twisting of the facts!

Published opinion pieces should be well-informed and fact-based, not full of this trash talk. Shame on the Daily Freeman for printing this.

— Lynn Woods


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