Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

A brave newworld for millennial women

- Kathleen Parker Columnist

WASHINGTON -- Two recent comments by famous feminists have underscore­d the inevitable and predicted the foregone: The feminist era of Hillary Clinton, Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright has come to a close.

Each heroic in her own way, these three icons of second-wave feminism have reached a pinnacle of sorts, along with the bitterswee­t recognitio­n that they are sorely out of touch with today’s younger women. The world they knew and helped change has produced a new generation no longer as concerned with the issues that animated their mothers and grandmothe­rs.

So it goes.

Adding possible injury to insult, liberal millennial women are tilting toward Bernie Sanders rather than she who would be the first woman president of the United States. What are they thinking?

Albright and Steinem, speaking on different days in different environmen­ts, offered comments that are by now familiar: “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other,” said Albright, who was the first female U.S. secretary of state.

And, “When you’re young you’re thinking, ‘Where are the boys?’ The boys are with Bernie,” said Steinem, co-founder of Ms. Magazine and iconic leader of the ‘60s feminist movement.

Much bestirring followed on social media. The gist of critics: How dare Steinem insinuate that young women are just chasing boys? And, how dare Albright curse young women for failing to support Clinton! They have a point. But they’re missing the bigger point that had these women not cut a path for others to enter and expect to be treated fairly in the workplace and elsewhere, these same young women would, indeed, be following the boys in hopes of inserting an “R” between the “M” and the “S” in their titles, as their predecesso­rs had to.

This is the irony, isn’t it? Of all people to suggest that girls just wanna have fun with boys: Though it’s not necessaril­y untrue, Steinemhas lived a life based on quite the opposite premise. It was she, after all, who said, “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.” Come on, it’s funny. And it is certainly true to women of a certain age.

Albright’s comment, meanwhile, is a well-known and, perhaps, worn-out trope of the former secretary’s. Now 78, she might have imagined that her audience -- at a Clinton rally -would have been familiar with it and responded with laughter, as had so often been the case.

Rather than cursing younger versions of herself, she was offering a gift in the spirit of Arnold Schwarzene­gger saying, “I’ll be back,” or Ronald Reagan saying, “Win one for the Gipper.”

Whether some of the young women preferring Sanders to Clinton are also interested in boys, a not-dishonorab­le distractio­n, was probably a weak stab at humor, for which Steinem, 81, has apologized. Also, she was talking to Bill Maher on his show, hardly the forum for solemn pronouncem­ents.

The more likely explanatio­n, however, is that young liberal women, like their male counterpar­ts, are attracted to the cool old guy because he’s promising a dream in which the rich have less and the poor have more. Robin Hood is so awesome.

Millennial women, who reached adulthood around 2000, and those afterward have never known a world in which they were not treated to daily doses of go-girl power. They’ve never known a time when abortion wasn’t an option. They really can have it all, including the choice to not vote for a woman just because she’s a woman because, after all, this would be sexist.

And no one would want that.

Kathleen Parker’s email address is kathleenpa­rker@washpost. com.

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