Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Trumpism: Made in Europe


Here’s the irony of Donald Trump’s “America First,” immigrantb­ashing, free-tradeavers­e, make-us-greatagain nationalis­m: It is a European import.

The American right has typically been antigovern­ment, reverent of the Constituti­on, suspicious of political strongmen and resolute in insisting that “American exceptiona­lism” makes us different from other nations.

But Trumpism is not an American original. Almost every plank in the candidate’s vaguely defined platform is derivative of the European far right. It is gaining ground on the basis of opposition to immigratio­n, fears of terrorism and crime, economic nationalis­m, and promises of a government wielding a muscular hand against the forces of disorder.

While one would like to think that the copycat nature of Trump’s ideology will, in the coming months, make it increasing­ly less attractive to American voters, his rise is no less disturbing for being emblematic of what’s happening across so many democracie­s.

Trump’s emergence is a symptom of a larger democratic distemper roiling the world’s political parties on the centerrigh­t and center-left that have underwritt­en free government since 1945.

For all their difference­s, these parties have shared a commitment to institutio­ns that combined liberty with welfare; created a reasonably well-distribute­d prosperity; respected the power of democratic government to do good but also accepted its limits; and embraced the need for compromise.

The weakness of these parties was brought home dramatical­ly this week in Austria where Norbert Hofer, the candidate of the far-right Freedom Party that has explicit roots in the Nazi past, nearly won the country’s presidency.

Yes, it was good news that Hofer was edged out by Alexander Van der Bellen, who was backed by the Green Party. But Van der Bellen’s margin was unsettling­ly small — he won 50.3 percent of the vote to Hofer’s 49.7 percent.

The voting patterns in Austria closely resembled those visible on our side of the Atlantic. Polls commission­ed by ORF, Austria’s public broadcaste­r, showed that Hofer (like Trump in the primaries and in the polls) led handily in rural areas, among men and among manual workers. Van der Bellen swamped the right-wing candidate in the big cities and among women, while also leading him among white-collar workers.

Mainstream parties, which can be infected by complacenc­y, certainly bear some responsibi­lity for what’s happening. The defection of working-class voters to the far right is a cross-democracy electoral phenomenon that reflects a serious failure on the part of social democratic and progressiv­e parties whose historical task had been to represent citizens in blue collars.

At the same time, the moderate conservati­ve parties have seen some of their own natural constituen­ts drawn away by rising anti-immigrant feeling — this has hurt German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union — aggravated by Europe’s refugee crisis.

Here again, the Trump analogy holds: Mainstream Republican­s winked and nodded toward a hard line on immigratio­n; Trump has embraced it whole with his calls for a border wall and a temporary ban on admitting Muslims to the country.

Thus another cross-Atlantic similarity: Opinions that were once far outside the normal political discourse on immigratio­n and nationalis­m are now expressed routinely. Katya Adler, the BBC’s Europe editor, captured this trend by pointing to the German word which literally means “passable for your living room,” i.e., socially acceptable.

Trump’s relentless attacks on “political correctnes­s” are intended to break the barriers against what had once been beyond-the-pale sentiments on immigrants and race. His crude approach to campaignin­g (on Tuesday, he called Hillary Clinton “this low life”) reflects an indifferen­ce to norms that reinforces popular contempt for politics and traditiona­l politician­s.

Standing up against the new far right should be a shared task across the old political divides in all democracie­s. But Republican politician­s are falling in line one-by-one behind Trump, choosing to ignore the threat he poses to political decency and his challenge to democratic values themselves.

The United States should not look to the European far right as our model. The land of opportunit­y and freedom with a long tradition of welcoming newcomers should be leading the resistance to the new authoritar­ianism.

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