Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

It’s time to fix the redistrict­ing mess


Pennsylvan­ia’s congressio­nal districts are drawn to favor incumbents and disadvanta­ge challenger­s.

To the victor goes the spoils. It’s an old saying, but never more accurate when it comes to the way Pennsylvan­ia’s Congressio­nal districts are drawn.

Consider, for instance, the 7th Congressio­nal, which covers a swath of southeaste­rn Pennsylvan­ia. Pat Meehan has been the 7th District congressma­n since winning office in 2010. You might remember that’s also the year Democrat Joe Sestak gave up the seat to challenge incumbent U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter. Meehan rolled to an easy win, just as he has in to successive elections since.

The 7th District was once considered a toss-up after Sestak ended Curt Weldon’s 20-year reign in Washington. But something changed. That something is called redistrict­ing. Done every 10 years supposedly to reflect changes noted in the census, it instead usually reflects partisan politics and those in control making sure things remain that way.

Don’t automatica­lly shovel the blame on Republican­s. Democrats have been guilty of doing the same thing when they hold the reins of power.

The 7th District is now a bizarre amalgam of suburban Philadelph­ia.

It covers the bulk of Delaware County, but it now zigs and zags to include five different counties, including small parts of Berks, Chester, Montgomery and even a sliver of Lancaster counties.

Redistrict­ing has taken what was a tossup district and turned it solidly red, by carving into traditiona­lly Republican stronghold­s and including them in the 7th.

Hence, Meehan has cruised to three consecutiv­e dominant wins in which he routinely racks up 60 percent of the vote.

But don’t blame Meehan for this mess.

Congress does not handle redistrict­ing. That job falls to the state Legislatur­e, and since Republican­s have been in solid control of the Pennsylvan­ia Legislatur­e, they get to “make the rules” when it comes to how the districts are reformed.

The result: A 7th District map that once was harpooned in a contest in the Washington Post. Looking for a name for what they were acclaiming as one of the worst examples of partisan powers at play in redistrict­ing, the Washington Post selected this winner in a contest for the 7th: “Goofy kicking Donald Duck.”

There is a word for this nonsense. It is called “gerrymande­ring.” It means using politics to create a distinct advantage to one political party – the one in charge.

It means the fix is in before voters ever enter their voting booths; it means the deck is stacked to keep incumbents in power and creates an unfair playing field for challenger­s.

But there is a glimmer of hope. Two state senators are proposing much-needed changes in the redistrict­ing process.

Senate Bill 22 would take the job out of the grubby mitts of the Legislatur­e and instead create an independen­t 11-member commission, consisting of four members from each of the major Republican and Democratic parties, and three not affiliated with any party.

The bill is bipartisan, sponsored by Democrat Sen. Lisa Boscola, of Northampto­n, and Republican Sen. Mario Scavello, from Monroe.

They want to take the process out of human hands and instead rely on modern technology and software to interpret the census results in accurately and fairly reshaping districts.

The Congressio­nal map goes to a vote of the full state House and Senate. The state Legislatur­e districts are controlled by the Legislativ­e Reapportio­nment Commission. That panel is made up of the four House and Senate caucus leaders, two from each party, and a fifth member who is usually a legal expert.

“It’s time to take the stakeholde­rs out of the redistrict­ing process and turn it over to the people,” Boscola said. “We can’t fix how we’re governed until we fix how we choose who governs us.”

Wise use of words there, senator.

Too often that’s the problem. The whole system appears “fixed.”

We endorse this clear step forward in deciding how legislativ­e and congressio­nal districts are drawn. It’s long overdue.

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