Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

We need common sense in immigratio­n debate

- Chris Freind Columnist

The immigratio­n debate was back in the headlines. Par for the course, both parties’ spewed lipservice on the need for reform, while simultaneo­usly killing any meaningful legislatio­n.

Comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform hasn’t gone anywhere in decades, making it clear that neither party’s ruling class wanted it. But something changed. Finally, we had a president who promised to deport problemati­c illegals, institute better border security, and find compassion­ate solutions for America’s 11 million illegal immigrants.

And he put his money where his mouth is. Called the “deporter-in-chief” by the extreme open-borders crowd, he sent nearly three million illegals packing.

That president – the one who deported those three million, initiated countless raids on the bad apples scattered among hardworkin­g illegals, spent millions more on border security, and hired thousands additional Border Patrol agents – was named Barack Obama.

So let’s get this straight: For the most part, President Trump is executing the same policies as his predecesso­r, yet instead of the free pass that President Obama enjoyed, he is being met with nationwide protests.

The hypocrisie­s besetting the left are downright comical.

Fact is, Americans on all sides should be thankful for Trump’s continuati­on of the Obama policies, as well as his initiative­s to construct a wall and deport convicts whose home countries “don’t want them.”

• Let’s deport the rhetoric and stop demonizing illegals. It’s not their fault America hasn’t been deterring illegal immigratio­n. Most are simply trying to make a better life for their families, often enduring unspeakabl­e hardships.

• Celebrate legal immigratio­n. America is the most generous nation on earth to immigrants, bestowing permanent resident status to over one million per year – yes, per year.

• Build the border wall. Period. Control costs by utilizing nonviolent prisoners and illegal immigrants, which would solve prison overcrowdi­ng and save billions.

• Mandate every business utilize the free E-Verify system, which quickly determines the legal status of a potential hire. Companies in noncomplia­nce should face stiff penalties and criminal prosecutio­n.

• There should be no government (“taxpayer”) assistance of any kind to illegal immigrants. No drivers licenses, no community college, no benefits.

• Illegal immigrants convicted of crimes should serve their time and be deported, but instead they are routinely released onto our streets because their home countries don’t want them. Tough. Pass a law eliminatin­g U.S. aid to any country refusing its citizens, and deport them anyway.

• Deal with illegals by documentin­g them and issuing longterm or lifetime work visas; permanentl­y denying them citizenshi­p and the right to vote; requiring them to pass a criminal background check; mandating they pay taxes; and levying fines (deducted in installmen­ts directly from paychecks).

Obviously, neither side will ever be fully satisfied, but one thing is certain: If we don’t act, now that the opportunit­y is on our doorstep, things will get exponentia­lly worse.

And if that be the case, our elected officials should receive no amnesty, and face deportatio­n from voters in the next election.

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