Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Seniors send warm message to immigrants


The nation is divided. Again. On many issues, not the least of which is immigratio­n.

President Trump this week rolled out a new and improved version of his travel ban, targeting immigrants from several mainly Muslim countries and at least temporaril­y preventing them from entering the country.

Some are referring to it as Travel Ban 2.0.

It did not cause the havoc and angry protests that accompanie­d his first executive order, in no small part because this ban will not go into effect until March 16.

His first try was rolled out on a Friday afternoon, causing mayhem at airports and leading to several legal immigrants being turned away or detained for hours.

The push was widely panned, even by Republican members of Congress who generally support tougher immigratio­n standards as part of the war on terror, including Rep. Pat Meehan, R-7, and Republican Sen. Pat Toomey. It eventually was halted by court challenges.

At least one state, Hawaii, already has gone to court to challenge the latest plan.

Once again President Trump is taking aim at immigrants from predominan­tly Muslim counties, although Iraq has been removed from the list.

Still facing a 90-day ban on new visas are immigrants from Libya, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia.

All of which makes what is happening at Mercy LIFE, an adult day center in Sharon Hill, Delaware County, especially noteworthy.

Residents at the facility, part of the Mercy Health System, have been making their own welcome cards for Syrian refugees and their loved ones in response to the travel bans.

Rachel Borders, a recreation­al therapist at Mercy LIFE, explained the dual nature of the card program, helping both the residents while at the same time giving back to the community.

“Part of the program was helping provide purpose and meaning to people’s lives,” Borders said. “As people get older, they don’t have opportunit­ies to give back or volunteer.”

The program was personal to Amal Abdelfatta­h, a Mercy LIFE recreation­al therapist who came up with the idea along with Borders.

“I do know some refugees,” said Abdelfatta­h, a Palestinia­n Muslim. “I know a lot of friends who work with refugees. With the Muslim ban happening, I wanted (the refugees) … to feel more comfortabl­e where they are.”

Listen to the words of Mercy LIFE participan­t LeVera McGee, who took part in the card program.

It echoes of the foundation of America as a place where people across the globe aspire to go in order to taste liberty.

“It’s a shame really,” McGee said. “You’d see on TV where grown men, healthy and wise, have a lot to contribute to the world and what they do, they’re suppressed.

So they’re coming here and we’re welcoming them.”

Another senior at the center, Corrine Lyle-Wilson, concurred. “And then they’ll share what they have with us in turn,” she said.

The 50 cards created at the Sharon Hill facility were sent to the Muslim Youth Center in Philadelph­ia, where they will be distribute­d to refugee families in the area.

America is a nation of immigrants. We all trace our roots to foreign shores. We all – just a few generation­s back – have relatives who arrived here in much the same condition and seeking the same things as those who come to our shores today.

We salute the classic American sentiment delivered in the cards created by these savvy seniors, who show the wisdom of their years.

They remember that we are in fact the U.S.

Us, together, a melting pot of voices and background­s from across the globe interwoven into the American spirit.

Lyle-Wilson had that in mind when she asked Abdelfatta­h for her expertise in crafting the note she attached to her card.

“I wrote Arabic and then underneath, I wrote the English for the words – Hello. Welcome. Peace.”

If only it was that easy.

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