Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Rememberin­g Jesus’ 40 days after raising from the dead

- Dayna Spence Ask the Chaplain Ask the Chaplain is written by Rev. Dayna Spence, an ordained minister, licensed evangelist, and chaplain who’s served as a hospital chaplain and is currently serving as a hospice chaplain Chester County area. Please email “

Dear Chaplain: I understand that Jesus was raised from the dead on Easter morning, but did not leave earth until 40 days later. What was Jesus doing all that time before he went to heaven? — Signed, 40 Days Doing What Dear 40 Days Doing What: Thank you so much for your question. Your understand­ing is correct. After 3 Jewish days, early that first Easter Sunday morning, there was a great earthquake and an angel told Mary, and other women with her, to come and see where the Jesus was laid. There they discovered Jesus was no longer in the tomb. Then, for 40 days, Jesus appeared on Earth before ascending to heaven. The number 40 is significan­t to God and is mentioned over a hundred times in the Bible. It signifies major changes or transforma­tions will be made after a period of “40”, be it days, weeks, years, etc. For example, it rained 40 days and 40 nights during the great flood, the Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness, and Jesus fasted for 40 days before beginning his earthly ministry. Jesus also showed himself to thousands of men on earth, 40 days after his crucifixio­n, proving that he was still alive. He walked in places where he ministered, talked to people he spoken to before, and presented himself as living proof that he was raised from the dead, confirming that he has power over sin and death. Also, signifying to the body of believers that a major change was taking place. During the 40 days, there were 10 appearance­s of Jesus recorded in the Bible: He appeared to Mary Magdalene; he appeared to the women as they returned from the tomb; he appeared to Peter; he appeared to the two sad disciples on their way to Emmaus as they were discussing Jesus’ death and resurrecti­on; he appeared to the 11 disciples, including doubting Thomas, who became a believer that day; he appeared to a crowd of over 500 on a lake; he appeared to 7 of the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, where Peter is told to Feed Jesus’ Sheep and was restored back into the fold; he appeared to the 11 disciples on a mountain where he gave them the Great Commission; he appeared to his brother James who was not a believer before the crucifixio­n, but after the appearance became one; and last, he appeared again to his disciples in Jerusalem where he gave them his final instructio­ns. While speaking, Jesus was taken up into a cloud, and the disciples watched as he ascended to heaven. Two angels came and comforted them, assuring them that the same way he left, he would return once again. The church joyously celebrates Jesus’ birth, which occurred according to scripture. We never forget his life and ministry on Earth because it shows us the way to heaven and eternal life. And we commemorat­e his death because it fulfilled prophecies...but we often forget the 40 days Jesus spent on Earth, after being raised from the dead, proving to thousands (and to us) that he is who he said he is, Our Risen Savior, Our Holy King, Son of the Living God.

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