Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Is Your Memory Slipping Away?

Top U.S. doctors now recommendi­ng new pill to memory loss patients—over 63 clinical studies show active ingredient improves memory, stop ‘brain aging’ in its tracks and roll back up to 12 years of mental decline

- By A.W. Baxley Health Secrets Journal

HSJ—Once upon a time, when you were 20 years old, your brain had over 500,000 beautiful neurons (your thinking cells). But by the time you hit 60 they’re gone—like 100,000 of them are strangely missing.

The head doctors call it ‘mental decline’. But a new memory pill calls it ‘unacceptab­le’ and works to alter those numbers in your favor.

“Users may notice better mental clarity in the first 21 days, improved memory in 30-60 days, and a complete rejuvenate­d brain after 90 days” says Lee Stanford, CEO of Legendary Formulas—the creators of Memoplexin™.

“Of course, results will vary, but this is what 63 clinical studies have shown. And it’s why so many U.S. doctors are now recommendi­ng Memoplexin’s active ingredient to patients,” he added. The clinical evidence is overwhelmi­ng.

More than 3,000 medical research papers (written by top leading doctors) verify how Memoplexin’s active ingredient clears up ‘brain fog’ and reactivate­s sluggish brain cells. And over 63 worldwide clinical studies—with tens of thousands of patients— validate how it improves memory, reasoning and mental alertness.

“It’s by far the best of all the drugs and nutritiona­l supplement­s we have ever tested for retarding Age-Associated Memory Impairment (AAMI).” said Dr. Thomas H. Spencer, about Memoplexin’s active ingredient.

But that ingredient is only the first (of 9 natural ingredient­s) that make Memoplexin so effective—the other 8 herbal wonders are equally powerful to boost your brain functions and improve memory.


Imagine someone gave you a memory test of 100 questions and you got 56 right. But when you took a certain “magical pill,” your score went from a 56 to a perfect 100!

Sounds like fiction right? Well, believe it or not, that’s what happened in a study at the University of Catania (Italy) where 170 memory loss patients took Memoplexin’s primary ingredient for 90 days.

After the trial the doctors were shocked, patients improved an amazing 44%—not only in memory retention but also in speech ability and word associatio­n. But that’s only the beginning…


Top medical researcher­s from the STANFORD UNIVERSITY of Palo Alto, CA—conducted a study and concluded that Memoplexin’s active ingredient can restore up to 12 years of memory loss!

The results seem hard to believe. Yet, their findings are published in the world’s most prestigiou­s medical journals for all to see— and there’s plenty more— from the Vanderbilt University of medicine, the Memory Assessment Clinics in Bethesda, MD, the University of Liege in Belgium and Fidia Pharmaceut­ical Laboratori­es in Italy. The results show… • Improved memory up

to 44 percent • Roll back the clock on mental decline up to 12 years • Clear up brain fog and revive “dead” brain cells • Gain new mental focus and faster word associatio­n • “De-Age” the brain and boost learning abilities • Slow down memory loss and improve quality of life

Incredible findings, but people still wonder “will it work for me?” said CEO Stanford. “It’s normal to be skeptical, but the mountain of scientific evidence and successful clinical studies are very compelling.”


Memoplexin is a proprietar­y (drug-free) compound of 9 natural ingredient­s, strategica­lly formulated to rejuvenate the neurotrans­mitters of your brain (which are essential for mental clarity and good memory).

In simple words, Memoplexin can help your mind perform like it did before—sharp and clear, just like when you were younger.

Imagine how good it will feel to vividly recall favorite memories of your past—to easily remember names, faces, appointmen­ts, meetings and dates with friends.

“Memoplexin is working for me. I’m more alert, my ‘brain fog’ is gone and I feel better than I have in a long time” —Mary T. Chen, TX One thing is sure: Memoplexin can help you say no to mental decline, senility, and the loss of independen­ce.


Doctors from the National Council of Aging advice: “It’s important to know memory loss can be a symptom of something more serious.”

Some people laugh at a few “senior moments” when memory fails. But memory loss is no laughing matter. Something “more serious” could take away your ability to choose [where to go, what to do].

“Left unchecked, those innocent ‘memory lapses’ can become a brain-eatingmons­ter that devour the person’s independen­ce” says Stanford.

“I don’t want to face that day—the day I don’t call the shots anymore— the day my friends and family look at me (sigh heavily) and say: ‘lights are on, but nobody is home’” Stanford added. How much is freedom worth to you?

Right now, your mind is empowering your life. It’s the fabric of your being—the container of your memories—it’s who you are.


This is the official nationwide release of Memoplexin. And so, the company is offering a special discount supply to anyone who calls within the next 48-hours.

A Regional Order Hotline has been set up for local readers to call. This gives everyone an equal chance to try Memoplexin.

Starting at 7:00 am today, the order hotline will be open for 48-hours. All you have to do is call TOLL-FREE 1-800-308-6014 and provide the operator with the special discount approval code: MEMO365. The company will do the rest.

Important: Due to Memoplexin’s recent media exposure, phone lines are often busy. If you call, and do not immediatel­y get through, please be patient and call back. Those who miss the 48hour special discount offer must pay more for Memoplexin.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra­tion. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Clinical studies were independen­tly conducted and were not sponsored by Legendary Formulas. And they were conducted on Memoplexin’s active ingredient (phosphatid­ylserine), not on Memoplexin. For the purposes of family privacy, personal names and details have been withheld.

 ??  ?? For Men and Women who struggle with memory lapses, brain fog, senior moments, ordinary forgetfuln­ess, gaps in concentrat­ion, brain fatigue and decreased mental alertness.
For Men and Women who struggle with memory lapses, brain fog, senior moments, ordinary forgetfuln­ess, gaps in concentrat­ion, brain fatigue and decreased mental alertness.

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