Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Why we’re in safest period in world history

- Chris Freind

Columnist Chris Freind makes the case for why we are actually living in the safest period in world history.

1 in 30,000. 1 in 10,000,000. 1 in 160,000,000. They aren’t lottery odds, but the chances that your commercial flight will possibly be hijacked. There are 30,000 passenger flights per day in America, equating to 10 million per year. Factor in no hijacked jets since 9/11, and the number skyrockets to 160 million flights without a terrorist takeover.

Yet many still live in fear, reluctant to fly in the belief that their flight will be “the next one” targeted. “It’s not a question of if, but when,” we’re constantly warned, so be afraid – very afraid.

Such irresponsi­bility was punctuated this week when Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly stated, “If you knew what I knew about terrorism, you’d never leave the house.” Kelly should be ashamed of himself for needlessly stoking fear. Ironically, his actions actually imperil citizens, since decisions made in fear are almost always wrong.

Some have tuned out such garbage, but unfortunat­ely, many haven’t. For those people, succumbing to a culture of fear doesn’t stop with flying, but applies to every aspect of their lives: Traveling, going to the mall, attending a concert, even walking out their front doors.

And we’ve all heard the rationaliz­ations: the country is going down the tubes, the world is upside down, crazy people are everywhere.

There’s only one problem: It’s just not true.

If fact, we are living in unpreceden­ted peace, wealth, and health, both here and abroad. So despite our collective perception that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, exacerbate­d by 24/7 media coverage, the reality is that we are living in the safest period in human history.

Those most responsibl­e for our prolonged peace are World War II’s Greatest Generation, who took on evil leaders halfway around the world and won, saving continents from annihilati­on, and races from extinction.

Many returned home to boost America’s economy into overdrive, providing the revenue necessary for the U.S. to remain a beacon to the world. Others fought a perilous Cold War, meeting the Soviets at every turn.

And because America didn’t stomp on its adversarie­s after beating them, but instead rebuilt their cities – and mentalitie­s – Europe and Japan were transforme­d into thriving democracie­s.

Decades later, with President Reagan at the helm, the forces of freedom defeated the Soviets. Walls fell, families reunited, and armies stood down. With millions freed from tyranny, and relations with Russia thawed, it’s no exaggerati­on that the Gipper’s victory quite possibly prevented nuclear war, and the extinction of mankind.

Despite the nonstop stories of criminalit­y on both the news and TV shows, crime in America is at an all-time low. The violent crime rate has plummeted 51 percent since 1991, and property crime has dropped 43 percent.

And no, you won’t be blown up by ISIS, either, just as you won’t be highjacked, or be in a plane crash. Americans must reel themselves back to reality, rememberin­g that, while there are no absolutes in life, the odds of anything truly horrific happening to them are virtually nil. But easier said than done, since ultra-hype, from shark sightings keeping people out of the water, to 3-inch snowstorms causing people to horde weeks’ worth of food, won’t change anytime soon.

There are fewer wars than at any time in history, and where they do exist, fewer people are killed and injured.

Violent crime rates have declined both at home and abroad, and terrorism, while it will always make headlines, is not nearly as prevalent as many perceive.

Truthfully, one has an infinitely higher chance of being killed in Chicago than in a terror attack.

The answer is not to let them win by cowering in fear, but to live productive lives while remaining vigilant – exactly what those who fought for our freedoms would have wanted.

But if we swear off traveling “until things gets safer,” don’t take our children to concerts and ballgames, and succumb to fear, then, as Pogo said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

It’s time to remember who we are – that being an American, above all, means that “the only thing we have to fear is … fear itself.”

 ??  ?? Chris Freind Columnist
Chris Freind Columnist

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