Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Pa. gambling: How much is too much?


Used to be it was pretty easy to figure out the budget standoff in Harrisburg.

For four years, Democrats railed against the cuts imposed by Republican Gov. Tom Corbett. He, in turn, would point the finger at out-of-control spending that ruled the state capital for eight years under his Democratic predecesso­r, Ed Rendell.

Then Tom Wolf came riding along in his spiffy old Jeep, calling himself a “new kind of governor,” and showing one-term Tom the door in the process.

But while Pennsylvan­ia voters decided they had seen enough of Corbett and his austere budgets and sent him packing, they showed a decided split personalit­y when it came to legislativ­e races. They actually increased the Republican majorities in both the House and Senate.

The “new kind of governor” soon got a lesson in old-style politics. For two years Wolf proposed massive increases in spending, including a lot more money for his trademark issue, restoring education cuts he laid at the feet of Corbett. To do that Wolf proposed hiking both the state income and sales taxes.

Republican­s in the Legislatur­e almost doubled over laughing.

The two sides butted heads for months in a showdown waiting to see who would blink first. Apparently this was so much fun Wolf decided to trot it out again in his second budget. Again Republican­s dug in their heels and told him to read their lips – no new taxes.

Give Wolf credit for this: He must have learned his lesson. Either that or he realized a reelection campaign was right around the corner. This year Wolf abandoned his calls for across-the-board tax hikes. He proposed a $32.3 billion budget. Republican­s countered with a plan of their own that checked in at a slightly less robust $31.5 billion. In Pennsylvan­ia, this is what stands for progress.

But Republican­s still have a problem. They continue to stand firm against any new taxes. That includes any possibly levy on the state’s Marcellus Shale gas-drilling ventures.

So where will they get the needed new revenue to close the state’s yawning budget deficit? Well, they will line up the usual suspects. They could do what Joe Citizen does when they find themselves a tad light in the wallet. They may borrow $1 billion from the state’s future tobacco settlement payments.

They may reconfigur­e the state’s 6 percent sales tax on liquor bought by bars and restaurant­s from a wholesale levy to a by-the-drink tax.

And you can bet the House that the state will look to expand legal gambling in the state. It’s a tried and true Pennsylvan­ia tradition, right up there with Gus, the lottery groundhog.

But even this usual fail-safe is creating headaches in Harrisburg this go-round. The state looks ready to dangle its toe into online gaming, as well as fantasy sports leagues. But the blockbuste­r change state legislator­s may be about to roll the dice on is the introducti­on of Video Gaming Terminals in local bars, restaurant­s and truck stops.

While Gov. Wolf seems to have resigned himself to the idea of an expansion in legalized gaming in the state, he’s not a big fan of VGTs. And he’s not alone. A lot of people don’t like the idea of family paychecks being sunk into these terminals at the local tap room instead of paying the rent. The plan approved by the House calls for 40,000 of the machines statewide.

There also are fears it could damage the state lottery fund, which for the most part benefits senior citizens. And that says nothing of the state’s legal casinos.

The state Constituti­on mandates a spending plan be in place by July 1. That gives Republican­s in the House and Senate a little more than a day to reach a deal, and then quickly skulk out of town for the July 4 holiday.

There already is talk of a “get out of town” budget that applies one more Band-Aid to the state’s serious fiscal wounds.

But make no mistake, this is going to be a Republican deal. They will own it. Wolf is not likely to veto any legitimate spending plan knowing full well that Republican­s will hang that around his neck as his reelection campaign kicks off in just a few months.

The only real question facing Republican­s is how much is too much when it comes to more legal gambling.

Look for them to cut a deal sometime late in the day today.

In fact, you might say you can bet on it.

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