Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

House panel moves ahead on budget with hopes for tax reform

- By Andrew Taylor The Associated Press

WASHINGTON » A key House panel on Wednesday divided along party lines as it slogged through a daylong debate over a Republican budget that would slash safety net programs while rewarding the military with a $70 billion boost.

The Budget Committee plan would pave the way for Republican­s to overhaul the tax code, a top priority of President Donald Trump. Passing a budget through Congress is the only way to get a GOP-only tax plan enacted this year.

But the budget outline faces opposition from both wings of the party. Republican conservati­ves want more of its proposed cuts to actually take effect, while moderates want to focus on tax reform instead of cuts to benefit programs like food stamps.

The nonbinding GOP plan promises to cut more than $5 trillion from the budget over the coming decade, though Republican­s only appear serious about enacting a relatively modest $203 billion deficit cut over the same period through filibuster-proof follow-up legislatio­n.

Republican­s argue that growing deficits and debt are part of the reason for slow economic growth and that big benefit plans like Medicare and Medicaid need changes now to keep them from going broke for future generation­s.

“Both parties in Washington have failed to abide by a simple principle that all American families and small businesses do — that we must live within our means,” said Budget Chairman Diane Black, R-Tenn. “Balancing the budget requires us to make tough choices, but the consequenc­es of inaction far outweigh any political risks we may face.”

But Democrats blasted the sweeping cuts in the plan. It reprises a provocativ­e proposal — opposed by Trump — to turn Medicare into a voucher-like program for future retirees. Experts say that change would likely increase costs for beneficiar­ies and deny them the coverage guarantees of Medicare.

“The list of upside-down priorities and irresponsi­ble policies in this document is lengthy,” said top panel Democrat John Yarmuth of Kentucky. “Democrats support investment­s in education, health care, national security, job training, innovation and infrastruc­ture. We support programs that help individual­s with nowhere left to turn, and a tax code that helps families get ahead.”

The plan appears set to ease through the GOPcontrol­led panel, which is stocked with hard-core conservati­ves, some of whom said the measure is too loose on spending. Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wis., faulted the measure for a $28 billion increase above Trump’s budget for defense and for rejecting most of Trump’s proposed $54 billion cut to domestic programs for next year.

The measure faces an uncertain future since it’s caught between moderates unhappy that it would link a 10-year, $203 billion package of spending cuts to the upcoming tax reform effort. On the other side are conservati­ves pressing for a larger package of spending cuts to accompany this fall’s tax bill.

While exempting Social Security, veterans and defense from cuts, the plan proposes trims across the rest of the budget to turn this year’s projected $700 billion-or-so deficit into a tiny $9 billion surplus by 2027. It would do so by slashing $5.4 trillion over the coming decade, including almost $500 billion from Medicare and $1.5 trillion from Medicaid and the Obama-era health law. The plan calls for a 10-year, $150 billion cut to food stamps, though the Agricultur­e Committee would be directed to come up with no more than $10 billion.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? In this file photo, House Budget Committee Chair Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. House Republican­s on Tuesday unveiled a budget that makes deep cuts in food stamps and other social safety net programs while boosting...
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE In this file photo, House Budget Committee Chair Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. House Republican­s on Tuesday unveiled a budget that makes deep cuts in food stamps and other social safety net programs while boosting...

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