Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Time for Pa. constituti­onal convention


It’s time: 2017 is proof that left to its own devices, state government will let us down.

The litany of our grievances is long and it’s loud. But mostly, today’s shortcomin­gs center on Harrisburg’s ignoring the ideal that government “derives just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Those words are from our Declaratio­n of Independen­ce.

So are these: “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructiv­e of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it.”

The merits of a continenta­l ideal from 1776 are undiminish­ed when applied to a state in 2017.

We believe it is time for the people to alter the Pennsylvan­ia Constituti­on and rally to the call of Sen. John Eichelberg­er, R-Blair, and Rep. Steve Bloom, R-Cumberland, for a limited constituti­onal convention.

There’s still no compelling argument to keep this ceremonial post when other states have found a better way to do it.

A limited constituti­onal convention is understood to mean that the goal, and the work, of the convention is to be limited to how our state government operates. Bloom and Eichelberg­er riff on the last one in 1967 as basis of the next one.

Fifty years later, so many things we see (budgets remain unbalanced and unsigned, the arrogance of unrestrain­ed spending in the Lieutenant Governor’s office, earmarks clearly written to circumvent the law) demonstrat­e that our state government is broken.

Eichelberg­er and Bloom are right when they say: “Unfortunat­ely, major reform has always been difficult to accomplish in Pennsylvan­ia — it’s slow and incrementa­l, and rarely successful­ly makes its way through the entire General Assembly.”

Of course, calling for change for the sake of change isn’t quite good enough. The actual changes are what matter most. Bloom and Eichelberg­er have a few issues they want their proposed convention to focus on.

We do, too. Here are some things we would like to see addressed:

— Reduce the size of the government: While we can be persuaded that a full-time Legislatur­e has some merit, we are convinced that members in the General Assembly, with each member representi­ng more people, do not reduce effective representa­tion. We say downsize. Begin that process by eliminatin­g the office of Lieutenant Governor.

— Establish mandatory public financing for campaigns. Or, failing that, hard limits on contributi­ons. Right now, only direct corporate contributi­ons are banned. Otherwise, the sky’s the limit.

— Develop term limits for legislativ­e leaders and committee chairs.

— Create language that would ensure that the shenanigan­s would be taken out of the budget process (And yes, Gov. Wolf, we remembered when you bristled at such a descriptio­n when you met with us, and still, here we are). Specifical­ly, we want the General Assembly to forward to the governor a budget that contains both spending and revenue simultaneo­usly, and on time. We support the idea of a line-item veto on both the revenue and spending side by the governor. And we specifical­ly want language that states if it’s not signed, it’s not law. No more ducking. And if there’s no on-time budget, there’s no pay for lawmakers.

— Consider language that states if the Legislatur­e cannot forward such a budget to the governor on time, that the current year’s budget becomes next year’s budget, as is. We’re more than happy to consider letting the Assembly own that failure and stand for re-election accordingl­y.

— Set up merit selection for judges on county Courts of Common Pleas and the statewide judiciary.

— Create clear guidelines and process for the drawing of legislativ­e districts, both state and federal.

— Provide clarity in the language concerning earmarks. If FIFA (of all organizati­ons!) can place language in the rules of soccer about “trickery” regarding passes to goalies, we can certainly insert language that bars writing budget expenditur­es so that that only a specific entity is covered by the language.

We know that others will have their own suggestion­s. They should be put forward. They should be heard. The best ideas should be acted upon.

It is, to paraphrase the founders, our right, our duty, to throw off such government.

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